Ch. 22

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Hey, look it's Tristan. Wait, what is he doing laying on a bench? I walk over to the raven-haired boy. Is he sleep? I bend over and stare at Tristan sleeping. He looks so relaxed? Should wake him? I check the time. 5:19pm. I have some time on my hands. I guess I'll just sit next to him till he wakes up. I sit on the ground and lean against the bench. After a minute or two of staring at the sky, I get bored so I pull out my phone and read online fanfics.

"Mmm, Y/n. P-please, don't leave, me." Tristan says in a quiet whimpering tone. Tears stream from his closed eyes. I stare at him and pet his head. He must be having a nightmare. I continue petting his hair. He put on such a strong front when he met me. I wonder why. Now, he has actual feelings. I thought he was the spawn of Satan at first. I quietly laugh to myself. I feel the breeze hit my face. It's getting a bit chilly. It's a good thing I almost always have a hoodie on. Tristan must be cold. I stare at Tristan and think a bit. I roll my eyes and take off my hoodie. I cover his torso with it. I'm too nice sometimes. I pull my scrunched up sleeves down on the shirt I'm wearing. I go back to reading.

The sky is at sunset and the beautiful colors mix in the deep canvas. It's getting pretty late now. Should I just carry him? What if I drop him? I stare at Tristan still in deep slumber. Why does he have to look so peaceful while sleeping? Beginners bench press lessons don't fail me now. I wrap the hood around my waist and throw Tristan over my shoulder. Huh... He's lighter than expected. I start walking back to the cabin with Tristan over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

I hobble up the steps and through the doorway. I finally reach the bunk area. There is no way I'm gonna be able to put him on the top bunk. I gently place him on the bottom bunk. That takes care of that. As I go to walk out the door I feel a hand still latched on to my shirt. I try to remove limb grabbing on my clothes but I get tugged on to the bed beside Tristan. Umm, What do I do? I wiggle my way to the edge of the bed. Suddenly I'm pulled into his chest and he nuzzles my head. Ok, this is a bit ridiculous now. I try to shake Tristan but no luck. "Psst, Tristan. Wake up" I tap on his head, still nothing. "Tristan!?" I shout in his ear. He jolts up. "Gahh!" He frantically looks around confused. He calms down and rubs his head. "How did I get here?" He questions. "Well, I saw you sleeping on a park bench so I sat with you for a bit. After a while, it started getting cold so I gave you my hood to cover up with. Then, it started getting dark so I carried you all the way here." I stated barely catching my breath. "Oh, then why are we both laying in your bed? Were you planning on doing dirty stuff? Naughty girl, you could have just asked." I flick his head. "I COULDN'T LIFT YOU ONTO YOUR BUNK SO I PUT YOU IN MINE AND YOU DRAGGED ME NEXT TO YOU AND CUDDLED ME!?" "Ohh, that makes a lot more sense." I roll my eyes. "Thank you, for carrying me. You must be pretty strong to carry me from that far to here. You should have just woke me up though." He laughs and I feel like flipping a table.

"Hey, I need to tell you something, it's important." He sits up more."Go ahead."I clear my throat. "I'm going to be leaving this camp. In about 4 days. Sorry." He sits a quiet for a bit taking in the news. "Did you want to leave?" He questions and a monotone voice. "Not really, I actually quite like it here. It's nice." He thinks for a bit. "Why do you have to leave. Can't you stay here with me?" I shake my head. "It's not my choice. My mother and father are coming home from their business trip and want me to go back home with them." He gives me a gentle hug. "But, I don't want you to leave. Don't leave me here with these morons." I giggle. "Just a few weeks ago you were calling me stupid." He laughs as well and backs out of the hug. "Yeah but then I realized how amazing you are. Also, I don't have the best luck with girls so I kinda just gave up on them but then I met you. You gave me a whole new perspective." I wonder why he hates girls? I'm not sure if it would be insensitive to ask. "If I may ask, why don't you like women? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He takes a deep breath.

"Well, My mother used to beat my sibling and I constantly. She then left us when I was around 11. Also, whenever I dated a girl she would squeeze out all the money I had on me. I never really cared. Money is just money. I thought they loved me. Then after tha-" I gave Tristan a huge hug. "Say no more. I'm pretty sure if that happened to me I would hate women too." Tristan gripped on to me and shoved his head in my shoulder. I heard him sniffling. I rubbed his back, trying to comfort him. "It's ok." I say in a calming tone. I could feel his heart racing. "I said you didn't have to tell me." He hugged me tighter. "No, I wanted to. I trust you... I've never told anyone else this." I'm not sure what to say. He trusted me enough to tell me some of his deepest secrets. "Your secret is safe with me." He removes his head from my shoulder. We sit in silence for a bit.

"Y/n, Can I lay with you. Just for tonite? You're going to be leaving in a few days. I want to spend a much time as I can with you." "I guess. Just don't try anything funny or I'll kick your ass." "Harder daddy." I smack him in the face with a pillow. "GO TO BED!!" He laughs and lays down. I get up and shut the light off. I lay back down and get comfortable and relaxed. "Y/n." I shift toward the dark haired male. "Yes, Tristan?" "Your eye's are so beautiful." I blush. "T-thanks." I close my eyes. "I wish we could stay like this forever... Night." He snuggles toward me. "Good night."

Harem Camp (Reverse Harem x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now