Ch. 4

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June 19th, Sunday

Sniff sniff. Whats that wonderful smell? I open my eyes and Luke standing next to my bed with a fresh plate of cinnamon rolls. "Hey y/n good morning. You missed breakfast so I thought I'd bring you something to eat." He holds out the plate of freshly baked cinnamon rolls. I can't help my mouth from watering. I take the plate and feel the warmth of the delicious treats. "Thank you, I didn't know the camp served such exquisite meals" I take a bite of the warm, fluffy roll. "They don't. I made it with some of the stuff I found laying around the camps pantry. The campers actually just ate some flavorless oatmeal. Poor suckers." We both laugh. "Mmm. It's so good." I look at him with a very thankful look. "No problem, I'd be happy to cook your meals every day y/n... If you'll allow me." He looks very bashful and his cheeks are red. I stare back at him with a smile. "UMM... I have to... go now. Bye." He hastily walked out of the cabin.

I walk to the table to finish my meal. It's so beautiful outside. What time is it? I grab my phone from the other room. 9:15 am. No texts. I throw away my plastic plate and wonder what to do. I see a list of scheduled activities.7:00-8:00 breakfast. 9:00- 9:45 is 10 pin knockdown. 11:00- 11:30 is ameba tag. 12:00- 1:00 is lunch. 2:15- 3:45 is canoeing. 4:30- 5:00 is DJ by the pool. 6:00- 7:00 is dinner. 8:00- 9:00 is bonfire by the lake. Wow, that's a lot to do in one day. I'm already late for the 10 pin knockdown, and ameba tag sounds rough. I guess I'll go canoeing after lunch.

Time Skip

Tristan walks through the door and stares at me. "Ek, what are you doing here stupid girl?" He looks at me in disgust as if I was I slug that grew to human size. "Don't act 5." I roll my eyes. "I'm probably older than you, so shut your mouth. stupid girl" He walks past me to go to his bunk. "I'm 17, born in April and my names not stupid girl. It's y/n." Why does he have to make my day so much tougher then it has to be? "Ha I am older by a month and I never asked for your name." He walked outta the cabin. Geez, who put crap in his bland oatmeal.

I check what time it is. 11:57 am. I don't wanna be late for lunch. I head my way over to the cafeteria and get a bunch of unwanted stares. Just as I was about to lose my appetite Chris appears out of nowhere. "Hey y/n, heading to lunch?" Thank goodness something to distract me from my paranoia. "Yes. Are you?" He nods his head. "Are you doing anything after this?" He asks in a gentle voice. "Yeah, I'm going canoeing." I tell him in a kind of excited voice. "Mind if I join?" He smiles at me with his bright white teeth. "Not at all." I mimic his actions and grin "Cool, I'm gonna go sign us up for it. Be right back, I'll see you in the cafeteria" He waves and I wave back.

As I'm waiting in line for lunch I notice Jay behind me. "Oh, hey" I greet him and we make small chit chat till we get to the table. "So, are you free around tomorrow at 4?" "Yeah, but what is tomorrow at 4?" I tilt my head like a concerned puppy. "It's the camp volleyball tournament, I win all these sports things. I won 3 trophies last year from this place. You need a partner and I don't have one so... Who better than Y/n" He pointed to me and showed me off like I was a new car. "Sure." I see Chris and Alex walking this way. "Hey, guys... um, girls? Uhh... guy and girl." Chris says and takes the other seat next to me while Alex sits across from me. "So, how are you liking it here Y/n?" Alex says with full interest. "It's great. I wish I could stay the whole year." "I'm glad to hear." Alex says and smiles. We all continue with our lunch and make friendly small talk.

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