Requests [closed]

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Hey, guys👋
In addition to my Football and my Tennis One Shots, I have decided to start a Formula 1 book, too.
If you want to request, just tell me the driver and the number(s) of the dialogue list;

1. "It's really not that complicated."
2. "Close the door."
3. "It's three in the morning."
4. "I should have told you a long time ago."
5. "Why are you helping me?"
6. "You have to leave right now."
7. "Just trust me."
8. "I've been waiting a long time."
9. "You're in love with her."
10. "Come here."
11. "We could get arrested for this."
12. "What are you thinking about?"
13. "I thought you were dead."
14. "You're never going to let that go, are you?"
15. "Was that supposed to hurt?"
16. "I can explain."
17. "Love is overrated."
18. "Watch me."
19. "I've missed this."
20. "I don't believe you."
21. "Sometimes, being a complete nerd comes in handy."
22. "I don't owe you an explanation."
23. "We have to be quiet."
24. "I want an answer, goddammit!"
25. "It was you the whole time."
26. "Tell me again."
27. "This is why we can't have nice things."
28. "I'm not going anywhere."
29. "You don't see me."
30. "I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you."
31. "You could have died."
32. "Prove it."
33. "I might never get another chance to say this."
34. "Do you regret it?"
35. "Tell me I'm wrong."
36. "Lie to me then."
37. "You've thought about this, haven't you?"
38. "We need to talk about what happened last night."
39. "I never stood a chance, did I?"
40. "I feel like I can't breathe."
41. "I'm only here to establish an alibi."
42. "Are you drunk?"
43. "I still remember the way you taste."
44. "How much of that did you hear?"
45. "What happens if I do this?"
46. "Why are you whispering?"
47. "You make me want things I can't have."
48. "I don't want to screw this up."
49. "People are staring."
50. "You're trembling."
51. "I like you a lot. I just thought you should know."
52. "Can I tell you a secret?"
53. "I can't stop thinking about you."
54. "Are you going to yell at me, too? I deserve it."
55. "This isn't your fault, okay? I promise."
56. "I love you."
57. "I'm scared. What if someone finds out about us?"
58. "You aren't alone. You've never been alone."
59. "Don't promise me you won't leave. Just don't leave. I don't think I can handle another promise right now."
60. "Want to grab a bite to eat?"
61. "I can't do this. Just leave me alone."
62. "Do it. Take a chance, I'm begging you. You don't want to spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been."
63. "I hate this. I hate feeling like this. I can't trust anyone anymore, can I?"
64. "I've got you. Breathe, okay? I've got you."
65. "I can't stop thinking about the future. About our future. Do we even have one, or should I just move on?"
66. "If you don't love me, tell me. Please, just let me go."
67. "Hold me. Just for a bit, okay? I just... I need someone to hold me."
68. "There is nothing you could do to make me love you any less. Okay? My love doesn't come with strings."
69. "Forgive me. Not for my sake, for yours. Forgive me."
70. "I will never give up on you."
71. "Do you ever think that we should just stop doing this?"
72. "H-how long have y-you been standing there?"
73. "I had to see you again."
74. "I don't need you. I'll do it myself."
75. "I missed you."
76. "Is that supposed to scare me?"
77. "Are you jealous?"
78. "What are you afraid of?"
79. "Do you trust me?"
80. "You weren't supposed to hear that."
81. "It's not nearly as bad as it looks, Darling."
82. "Come over here and make me, then."
83. "It's not what it looks like."
84. "Can you reach it?"
85. "But you keep using all the hot water!"
86. "You have a problem, it's only my job to help you fix it."
87. "Baby, I'm on the phone."
88. "Keep your voice down.."
89. "That... Well I have no idea what that is or where it came from."
90. "Your hair's all messed up. Let me fix it."
91. "I can't sleep."
92. "Go then, leave! See if I care!"
93. "Wanna bet?"
94. "That's... Not mine?"
95. "I'm not going to change. You'll have to deal with it."
96. "I'll call in sick... again."
97. "Don't you know how to knock?!"
98. "Are you serious? Do you have to do this now?"
99."If you do this, we're through. Forever."
100. "I'm in love, okay? In l-o-v-e."
101. "Don't you understand? You were her happy ending."
102. "I'm just doing what the fortune cookie said. Who am I to stand in the way of fate?"
103. "Is this one of those times when you want me to lie to protect your delicate emotions?"
104. "I hope you never regret me."
105. "That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea. Let's do it and see what happens."
106. "This weather is almost as cold as my heart."
107. "I'd give anything for you to kiss me."
108. "Please let me in, dear, it's cold outside."
109. "I was worried. You could have at least called."
110. "You love her, don't you?"
111. "Are you even listening?"
112. "You've got to stop doing that; saying things that make me want to kiss you."
113. "You're my favorite mistake."
114. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."
115. "My biggest fault was to trust you, to think you wouldn't break my heart."

The credits for the prompts go to chrmdpoet (tumblr) for the numbers 1-50 , to promptlywritingideas (tumblr) for the numbers 51-70, to yooyugyeommie (tumblr) for the numbers 71-98 and to different users of pinterest for the numbers 101-112🙈

Formula 1 One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora