Daniel Ricciardo {#30}

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{"I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you."}

"Y/N!" Someone called out, making the young woman freeze as she immediately recognized the voice.

She had hoped and prayed all week that she wouldn't run into him, but there he was, only a few meters away from her, a sad smile visible on his lips.

"Hey, Daniel," She replied, but nevertheless quickly turned around and started to walk away because she could see that he was heading towards her.

Y/N couldn't think straight anymore and her heart was beating ten times faster as she felt him softly grabbing her wrist to stop her.

"Why are you walking away?" He asked, frowning a little, while she was cursing something under her breath.

She couldn't believe that he was actually asking that after all the two of them had been through together.

Shaking her head, she pulled her hand out of his grib and slowly backed away from him, but he still seemed to have no inventions to just let her leave.

"We should talk and...," The Australian started, the accent she loved so much clearly audible, but she cut him off before her could suggest even more idiotic things.

"There's nothing to talk about," She stated bitterly, biting her lip as he ran a hand through his dark hair and took a deep breath.

Thousands of thoughts were running through his mind at the same time, but he quickly figured out what the most important thing was.

'Don't let her walk out of your life again,' He silently told himself, staring at the woman in front of him with wide eyes as she turned around to leave.

"Please stay, only a few more minutes," The Formula 1 driver stated, slowly reaching out for her, but she took a few more steps away from him, turning around with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

Just like her ex-boyfriend, Y/N was completely confused and didn't know what to think about the whole situation.

She had imagined meeting him again at least a hundred times since their breakup, but she never thought it would be like this.

She always assumed that he wouldn't even want to talk to her since she had seen pictures of him that clearly showed that he had moved on from her.

"Why should I?" She questioned, watching with a raised eyebrow how he started to nervously scratch the back of his neck.

"Because I...," He stuttered before taking a deep breath, "I missed you."

To say that Y/N was shocked to her this would have been an understatement; it was him who had broken up with her after years of a happy relationship after all.

"Sure," She replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes because she was certain that he was lying to her.

"I really mean it," He whispered, the expression on his face turning sadder with each second that passed by.

It was silent between the two of them for a while; she was trying to sort out her thoughts, while he desperately tried no to say something wrong.

"You were the one who broke up with me, remember?" She finally spoke up, the confusion clearly visible on her face.

Daniel couldn't help, but take a few seconds to take in all of the things that had changed about her in the last year and he was more than sure that she had become even more beautiful, even though she looked kind of tired.

"I do," He finally answered, taking a few steps towards her, "but I regret it."

Without thinking about it twice, the Australian slightly leaned down to place his lips on top of hers for a brief moment.

At first, she kissed back, but soon enough the realization hit her and she immediately backed away.

"What was that?" She asked, her voice raising and her eyes wide in shock, "You had no right to do that; you broke my heart, Danile Ricciardo."

For a moment, the Australian thought about just kissing her again, but he knew that wouldn't make it any better, although there was nothing he wanted to do more.

"I'm sorry," He stated, his eyes locking with her for a moment before she looked away, fearing that she would get lost if she stared at them too long, "but I had to do this. I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you."

Y/N didn't know how to react to his statement; on the one hand she wanted to kiss him again so dearly, but on the other hand she just wanted to leave and never see him again.

"Why did you even break up with me?" She asked after a while of silence, her heartbeat finally calming down at least a little after the kiss.

Daniel sighed; he had been thinking about this exact question for hours, but he nerver found the answer.

"Because I was an idiot," He replied, shrugging his shoulders, "but I regret doing that every day I don't wake up next to you or see you at my races or see your beautiful smile or hear..." He was soon cut of, when a soft pair of lips met his own.

The kiss went on for what felt like ages because neither of them wanted to break apart.

She had thrown her arms around his neck, while his arms were wrapped tightly around her waist.

"I love you, Y/N," He breathed out after they had broken apart because they were both running out of air.

For a moment he feared that she wouldn't return the words, but after placing another soft kiss on his lips, she whispered:"I love you, too, Daniel, although you're the biggest idiot I've ever met."

This one's for juergenklopp
I hope you liked reading it👼

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