Fernando Alonso {#49}

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{"People are staring."}

"Yes!" Y/N exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air as she saw her husband, Fernando, crossing the finish line before all of the other drivers, meaning that he had finally won a race again.

Different members of his team quickly hugged her or gave her a high five before they turned on the board radio for her to talk to him.

"I'm so proud of you," She stated, the smile never leaving her lips, while she watched him park the car on the TV.

"You should go and see him now," Someone suggested and without thinking about it twice, she walked into the huge crowd, trying her best to get to the front.

"Fernando," She said after she had finally made it to the first row and was able to wrapp her arms around him in a tight hug, "You did so good. I knew you would make it."

For a moment, the Formula 1 driver just stayed in her embrance, his heart slowing down again after all the adrenaline that had been running through his veins during the whole race.

"Thank you," He whispered, placing a hand on her cheek, slightly backing away from her to see the smile on her lips widening, if that was even possible.

"I couldn't have done it without you," He added, stretching out his hand for her to take, making her raise his eyebrows.

She was just about to question it, but she soon realized what he meant as he gestured for her to come over.

"This is a bad idea," She mumbled, nevertheless taking his hand and letting him help her climbing over the barricade.

As soon as she stood in front of him, he immediately placed both of his arms around her waist and pulled her into a quick kiss.

Before she could say anything else, he turned towards his fans again, continuing to give autographs and take pictures, all the while holding her close to him.

Burying her head into his chest, Y/N tried to avoid all of the cameras flashing pictures of the couple, which made her husband chuckle slightly.

"You're cute," He mumbled, softly guiding her a few meters away from the fans to be able to talk to her.

His wife couldn't help, but blush at this statement, quickly looking at the ground, but he noticed it anyway.

"I can't believe I still manage to make you blush after all those years," He commented, lovingly staring down at her.

Y/N looked at him for a moment before glancing at the hundreds of fans that were still standing behind the barricade.

"Don't you need to go to the podium now?" She questioned, brushing a hand through his hair, but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I still have got a few minutes," He answered, taking a look to the side to see his team calmly talking to each other, meaning that he still had some time to spare before he had to -or better finally could- go to the podium.

Placing his hands on Y/N's cheek, he leaned down to place his lips on her in a long kiss.

"Fernando," She started, backing away from him, but he tightly wrapped his arms around her waist, "People are staring."

"I don't care," He replied, pressing his lips to hers again before looking past her to see at least hundred of his fans still standing where he had left them, their eyes fixated on the two of them.

"There are only a few people," He added sarcastically, earning a playful hit on his shoulder from his wife.

"You're an idiot," She commented, noticing how Fernando's team was gesturing for him to come over, "I think you need to leave now."

Without saying anything else, he softly took her hand, forcing her to follow him.

"What are you doing?" She asked, stopping him from walking any further.

"I'm taking you with me," He just stated, making her eyes go wide.

"Wait," She said, realizing the he actually meant taking her to the podium with him, "Definitely not."

Chuckling, the Spaniard turned around to see her crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Please," He said, but she repeatedly shook her head.

"No," She mumbled, placing one last kiss on his lips before turning around to walk into the opposite direction.

"Yes," Fernando answered, smirking as he quickly grabbed her wrist and lifted her off the ground to carry her.

"I hate you," She said, trying her best to get out of his grip, but that was to no avail.

He just placed a quick kiss on her cheek, continuing his way.

"I love you, too, amor."

This one was requested by legolaslover1
I hope you enjoyed reading it🙋

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