Charles Leclerc {#34}

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{"Do you regret it?"}

"Y/N, I'm home!" Charles exclaimed, a wide smile on his lips as he dropped his bag onto the ground and waited for Y/N to run towards him and jump into his arms like she always did when he came home again after being away for a long time.

His happy expression soon turned into a frown because he couldn't hear her or see her beautiful face anywhere.

"Sweetheart, where are you?" He asked, slowly walking into the living room to search for her; he just couldn't believe that she wouldn't be home to greet him after they had been separated for more than two weeks.

Sighing, he slumped down on the couch, pulling his phone out of his pocket, immediately being greeted with the picture of himself and Y/N, which was taken just a month ago, on the day he liked to call the best one of his life;

"Can I take the blindfold off now?" Y/N asked, her hand tightly clutching to Charles', who was guiding her along a curvey way.

"Not yet, my love," The Monegasque replied, chuckling slightly, which caused his girlfriend to roll her eyes, although she knew that he couldn't see that.

They continued their way for another ten minutes before he finally stopped her and let go off her hand.

"You can look now," He whispered, his voice slightly shaking as he slowly got down onto one knee.

Y/N quickly took her blindfold off, her eyes immediately wandering down to her boyfriend, instead of the beautiful view that was right in front of her.

Her eyes went wide as he got a small box out of his pocket and nervously smiled up at her.

"Y/F/N," He started, his heart beating faster and faster with each second that passed by, "I know that we're still very young, but we've already been together for more than three years now and I couldn't image a life without you. Every second I'm not with you, I can feel my heart breaking a little and every time you smile at me I'm the happiest man alive. I love you so, so much, sweetheart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you do me the greatest honour and marry me?" Charles finished his speech and slowly opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

Y/N felt the tears forming in her eyes as she repeatedly nodded her head.

"Yes, yes, a million times yes!" She exclaimed, her smile mirroring his as he softly slit the ring onto her finger before leaning down to place his lips on top of hers, while his arms easily found their way around her waist.

"I love you so much."

Charles smiled widely at the memory that was still fresh in his mind before looking down at his phone, but he still couldn't see any message from his fiancée.

He slowly walked into the hallway, slightly raising his eyebrows as he heard sounds coming from upstairs that sounded like someone was crying.

Without thinking about it twice, he sprinted up the stairs and into the bedroom, where he saw her curled up on the bed with her head in her hands, quietly sobbing.

"Y/N, love," He said, immediately rushing to her side and wrapping his arms around her, "What's wrong?"

Instead of answering, Y/N buried her head in his chest, tightly holding onto him.

"I can't stand to see you crying. Please talk to me," Charles said, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek before softly lifting her chin up, causing her to look at him with her breathtaking y/e/c eyes that now were red from all the crying.

"They all say that it's wrong," She whispered and he immediately knew what she was talking about; their engagement, "They say we're too young to even know what love is. Even my family thinks so."

Charles felt like his heart was breaking into thousands of pieces as he saw the hurt in her eyes.

"Do you regret it?" He asked quietly, running a hand through his dark hair.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you regret agreeing to marry me?" The Monegasque questioned, making her eyes go wide.

"Of course not, Charles," Y/N answered, shaking her head, "You know that I love you and I want to be with you, forever."

The smile returned to the driver's lips as he heard those words and before she could even say anything else, he leaned in to place his lips on top of hers in a passionate kiss.

"Then don't listen to them, love. They don't know how much I love you and they don't know that what we have is something special, something undescribable," He stated, softly stroking her cheek, a small smile finally visible on her lips again.

"You're amazing," His fiancée mumbled, looking right into his eyes after pressing a kiss to his cheek.

He chuckled quietly at her words before slightly shaking her head.

"Not as amazing as you," He answered, pulling her as close to him as it was possible, "I love you so much, Y/N, my future wife."

"We belong together," He added, slowly leaning in to kiss her again, "Forever."

This one shot is for @LucyReus
I had a lot of fun writing it and I really hope you enjoyed reading it🙋

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