Lewis Hamilton {#2}

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{"Close the door."}

"Hey, there!" Y/N heard someone call out and turned around to see Lewis standing only a few meters away, cheekily smiling down at her.

"Uh, hey, Lewis," She replied, blushing a little as he winked at her before running a hand through his dark hair.

Y/N started scratching the back of her neck, her eyes darting between him and the ground.

Somehow, the Brit always had a way of making her nervous; the two of them had hung out together a few times and saw each other quite often since her father was working as the assistant manager of Lewis' team, but she still couldn't help, but always feel different around him than around anyone else.

"Are you alright?" She was pulled out of her thoughts, her eyes widened as she noticed that he was now standing right in front of her.

"S-sure," The young woman replied, forcing herself to calm down a little and smile up at him, instead of staring at the ground.

Lewis raised his eyebrows, wondering why she always seemed so distracted and tense whenever he talked to her.

The Formula 1 driver had also noticed that he himself always acted kind of different when she was around. Most of the time, he couldn't even think straight anymore and he had caught himself saying some stupid and strange things to her more than once.

"That's good," He stated, glancing down at his watch to see that he was needed in the garage right now, "I guess I'll see you later."

Without waiting for her reply, he quickly walked towards the Mercedes garage where some of his team members were already waiting for him.

"Hey, man," One of them said, giving him a high-five, "I think Mr. Y/L/N wanted to see you."

Lewis raised his eyebrows at this statement, but before he could question it any further, his friend spoke up again:"He didn't say why."

"Alright," The Englishman answered, slightly shrugging his shoulders before heading towards the office.

Somehow, he felt the nervousness taking over him as he knocked on the door and walked inside after waiting for a reply.

"Good afternoon, Lewis," Mr. Y/L/N greeted the Brit, gesturing for him to come in, "Close the door."

"Why did you want to talk to me, Sir?" He questioned, taking a seat opposite to his assistant manager, who looked like he was thinking about something really hard.

Lewis felt the tension raising and he couldn't help, but let out a nervous chuckle, making Y/N's father raise an eyebrow, although he didn't question it any further.

"It's more of a...," He started, trailing off before crossing his arms in front of his chest, "...personal matter."

Lewis gulped, silently wondering if this conversation was going to be about Y/N. Her father had always been very protective of her and kept an eye on her most of the time.

"Is there any problem, Sir?" He asked, trying his best to not show the man opposite to him how nervous he was.

"I don't think so," Mr. Y/L/N replied, turning his attention to the computer for a short moment before briefly smiling at Lewis, "You get along with my daughter quite good, don't you?"

The Brit's heart picked up it's speed at this statement, his eyes going wide and his hands starting to sweat.

'What's wrong with me?' He quietly asked himself before slowly nodding at his assistant manager.

"I'd say so," He answered, slightly shrugging his shoulders as he watched Mr. Y/L/N nod before he leaned forward.

"You don't have any romantic feelings for her, do you?" Lewis' breath hitched in his throat as he tried to take in what he had just heard.

"I-I...," He started, not really sure how he was supposed to answer that question.

He had never really thought about it that way, but now that Mr. Y/L/N mentioned it, he couldn't help, but wonder about it, thousands of thoughts running through his mind.

He saw her irresistible smile and her sparkling y/e/c eyes in front of him, a small smile finding it's way onto his lips.

"I don't know," He finished honestly, glancing up at the man opposite to him, who didn't look surprised at all.

"Well," Mr. Y/L/N said, making some unreadable gestures with his hands, "you should figure it out, Lewis."

The Formula 1 driver stared at him in shock for a moment before slowly standing up, nodding slightly.

"I will. Thank you, Sir," He replied, turning around to head out off the office, but Mr. Y/L/N stopped him.

"Don't you dare to hurt her," He stated, threateningly glancing at Lewis before turning his attention back towards the papers on his table.

"I have no intention to do that," Lewis said before walking out of the office and straight past him team members who had been waiting for him.

"Where are you going?" One of them asked, raising his eyebrows as the Englishman basically sprinted out of the garage.

"Do something I should have done a long time ago," He mumbled in reply, quickening his steps as he saw Y/N sitting on a bench not too far from him.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped in front of her, making her look up with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's up, Lewis?" She questioned, placing the book she had just been reading next to her, while continuing to smile up at him.

Without thinking about it twice, Lewis leaned down and placed one of his hands on her cheek before pressing his lips to hers.

"Wow," Y/N breathed out after they had broken apart, nervously running a hand through her y/h/c hair.

"You can tell your father I've figured it out," He replied, leaning in to place another kiss on her lips, "I definitely have romantic feelings for you."

This one shot is for HarryKaneIsMyWorld
I really hope you enjoyed reading it😇

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