Carlos Sainz Jr. {#32}

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{"Prove it."}

Y/N looked down at her phone for what felt like the hundredth time, but she was still greeted with an empty display; no text and no call from her boyfriend, Carlos.

The two of them wanted to go out on a date night that day because they hadn't got the chance to do that for a very long time since he was busy with the races most of the time and she had to work a lot as well.

Everything was planned out; they wanted to go to their favorite restaurant, walk back to their apartment and then have a movie marathon, but somehow, the Spaniard was already late by nearly an hour and it didn't seem like he would come home anytime soon.

His girlfriend slowly started to worry, but she knew that the reason he wasn't showing up could also be that he had forgotten about it; it had happened about three times already after all.

Y/N couldn't hide the disappointment that was creeping up to her anymore and decided to change into some more comfortable clothes instead of waiting in the dress she had picked out for what was supposed to be a wonderful evening with just the two of them.

She was almost certain that he wouldn't show up at all anymore as she had settled down on the couch with her favorite series, until she heard someone opening the door.

"Hey, princesa," Carlos greeted her and walked up to her to place a kiss on her cheek like nothing had happened, but before he could do that, she quickly backed away, glaring at him.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" He asked, furrowing his brows as she rolled her eyes before crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Are you seriously asking me that right now?" She questioned, shaking her head, the disappointment and the sadness clearly audible in her voice.

The Formula 1 driver raised his eyebrows, trying to think of anything that he could have done wrong, until he finally remembered it.

"Today was supposed to be our date night, wasn't it?" He said, taking a seat next to her with his head in his hands as he realized that she had probably been waiting for him for hours.

"I'm so sorry I forgot," He stated, leaning forward to take her hand, but she immediately pulled it away and basically jumped up from the couch.

She had been looking forward to this day for weeks because it was the first time they would be able to spend some time with each other again, but it was all ruined.

"No need to apologize," She mumbled, running a hand through her y/h/c hair, sighing loudly, "I know you don't care anyway."

Carlos' eyes went wide at this statement and he noticed how much he had hurt her by not showing up and forgetting about their date.

"That's not true," He quickly replied, getting up from the couch as well and walking a few steps towards her, "I promise I won't forget something like this ever again."

Y/N rolled her eyes, slightly backing away from her boyfriend, tears slowly forming in her eyes.

"Just leave it be, you won't keep that promise anyway," She mumbled, turning around to put on her shoes, but he stopped her before she could leave the apartment.

"Please don't leave," He said, his eyes searching for hers, "You know that I care about you more than anything else, princesa."

"Oh, really?" She asked sarcastically, making some unreadable gestures with her hands, "Prove it."

With one last look into his eyes, she walked out of the door, leaving Carlos to stand in the hallway with his head in his hands and no idea what he was supposed to do.

He sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen, groaning in frustration.

"I really messed up," He quietly told himself, while looking down at his phone.

5 missed calls from 'Princesa❤' and 23 messages.

Sighing, he tried calling her, but she didn't pick up the phone just like he had expected.

Deciding to wait for her return, he wandered into the living room and switched the TV on, glancing at his watch every few minutes to see for how long she was gone.

He started nervously pacing around, slowly starting to worry that something might have happened to her.

The Spaniard tried to call her again more than once, but she never answered the phone.

As he walked into the bedroom, he remembered the small box that he was hiding in the night stand.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened it to look at the golden necklace with the small, heart-formed charm with both of their initials and forever engraved to it.

He had originally planned to give it to her on their anniversary that was coming up in a few weeks, but he realized that it was perfect for showing her how much she meant to him.

Right in that moment, he heard someone walking into the apartment and hurried into the living room to see Y/N standing there, the hurt still visible in her eyes.

"I'm glad you're back again," Carlos stated, walking towards her and looking into her eyes, while handing the small box to her, "I hope this can show you how much I care about you, princesa."

Y/N opened the box, her eyes widening as she saw the necklace that laid inside.

"Wow," She breathed out, taking a closer look at it, a small smile finally returning to her lips, "It's so beautiful."

Smiling down at her, he softly placed it around her neck, her eyes lighting up slightly.

"I'm sorry," He whispered after softly taking her hand in his and wrapping his other arm around her waist, "I hope you can forgive me."

Chuckling, Y/N leaned in to press her lips to his for a brief moment.

"I love you, Carlitos," She stated, her smile widening as she looked directly into his eyes.

"I love you, too, princesa," He said, leaning in to kiss her again, the necklace shining brightly around her neck.

This one was requested by @esmeemaria
I hope you enjoyed reading it😊

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