Max Verstappen {#59 + #64}

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{"Don't promise me you won't leave. Just don't leave. I don't think I can handle another promise right now."}

{"I've got you. Breath, okay? I've got you.}

"Why don't you come to Malaysia for this weekend's race?" Max asked his best friend, Y/N, over the phone, while running a hand through his hair.

Y/N didn't know what to reply; she truly missed Max and wanted to see you him again, but after everything that had happened last week she wasn't sure if it was a good idea.

"I don't know..."

"C'mon, maybe it'll take your mind of off...what happened," He answered, his heart aching at the thought of her having to go through so much, of her walking in on her boyfriend cheating on her with her friend and having no one to run to afterwards because her best friend was hundreds of kilometers away.

After taking a deep breath, Y/N finally smiled a little, although the tears were still glistening in her eyes.

"Alright," She mumbled, causing her best friend to smile brightly on the other side of the line, "I'll be there."


"Y/N!" Max exclaimed as he saw her walking towards him in the garage before he sprinted towards her and wrapped his arm around her in a tight hug.

Giggling, she slightly backed away from him to be able to look into his eyes after staying in his embrace for a while.

"I've missed you, idiot," She stated, playfully hitting his arm, which earned her a chuckle from him, "How do you feel about the Qualifying?"

The Dutchman shrugged his shoulders after taking a look at his car that stood only a few meters away.

"We'll see," He replied, nodding as one of his engineers gestured for him to get ready.

He hugged Y/N one last time, carefully placing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I guess I'll see you later."

"Good luck," She just replied, watching how he put on his helmet and got into his car with a small smile playing on her lips.

It had always been a miracle to her how Max managed to make her feel so comfortable and happy around him, like she could be who she truly was.

She could not remember spending a day with him that did not end up with both of them smiling brightly, but she knew that this day had to come sooner or later.

Sighing, she turned around to face the huge TV in front of her, her eyes immediately searching for the car with the number 33.

Q1 and 2 were over in the blink of an eye and soon enough Y/N found herself cheering for Max with only a few more minutes on the clock.

The members of his team gave each other high fives, knowing that no one would be able to get the third place from the Dutchman and only a few moments later he was back in the garage.

"Not bad, Max," Y/N commented jokingly as he walked towards her, grinning widely.

"Maybe you're my good luck charm." She rolled his eyes at his statement, but had to blush nevertheless.

"Idiot," She mumbled quietly, but the smile never left her lips as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her a little closer.

It was silent between them for some moments, while they just stared into each others eyes, but that was soon disturbed as her phone began ringing.

Groaning, she took it out of her pocket, her eyes widening as she saw the name on the display; her ex-boyfriend.

It was like all the sadness, anger and disappointment that she had been able to forget while being around Max came crashing down on her at once.

Tears slowly began rolling down her cheeks and her heartbeat quickened, making her gasp for air.

Max caught her as she was about to fall onto the ground and carefully sunk down with her instead, immediately wrapping his arms around her.

"I've got you. Breath, okay? I've got you," He said, tightening his grip around her, while carefully brushing his hand through her hair, "Everything will be alright."

Y/N found something calming in his voice and leaned her head against his chest, finally being able to breath freely again.

"Thank you, Max," She whispered, but he slightly shook his head.

"There's nothing to thank me for."

"Everybody's left me," Y/N said after a while, the memories from last week replying themselves in her mind, "There's no one waiting for me to come home."

"Don't say that, Y/N. You've still got me and I pro-," He started, but she cut him off, looking directly into his eyes.

"Don't promise me you won't leave. Just don't leave. I don't think I can handle another promise right now."

After seeing him nod, she placed a soft kiss on his cheek before getting out of his grip and standing up again.

"Too bad," Max said, making her raise her eyebrows, "I was just about to promise to win that race for you tomorrow."

Biting her lip, she couldn't hide the smile that was finally returning to her lips and reached out to take his hand.

"I'm sure you will anyway."

Max eyes lightened up as he heard her words and he felt the smile on his lips going even wider as he looked down at their intertwined hands.

This one shot is for -chilwells
I really hope you enjoyed reading it💛

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