Lance Stroll {#53}

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{"I can't stop thinking about you."}

"Lance, this is Y/N." The young Canadian looked up to see a girl about his age standing next to his teammate, Felipe Massa, slightly smiling up at him with her hand stretched out, "She's my cousin."

Lance couldn't keep a bright smile from forming on his lips as well as he softly shook her hand, while running his other hand through his dark hair.

"It's great to meet you," He stated, fixating his gaze on her mesmerizing y/e/c eyes that were staring right back at him.

It was silent for a while, until Felipe was called away by one of his engineers, leaving the two of them alone.

"I've never seen you here before. Are you watching your cousin for the first time?" Lance questioned, crossing his arms in front of his chest, his eyes never leaving hers.

Y/N shook her head, causing a strand of hair to fall in front of her eyes. Without thinking about it, he slowly leaned forward to tug it behind her ear.

She was speechless for a moment, but her eyes were lightening up even more with each second that passed by.

"I've seen his races quite often. This is just the first one I can watch this year," She answered his question that he nearly had forgotten.

"I'm glad I could meet you," He replied, his eyes slightly widening as someone patted his shoulder and he saw Felipe appear beside him.

"I see that you two are getting along," He commented, laughing quietly as his cousin started looking at the ground to hide the blush that was creeping up her cheeks, "We can go get something to eat now, Y/N, unless you would prefer to spend some time with Lance."

The young woman hit the Brazilian playfully after rolling his eyes.

"We better go now; I'm starving," She stated, gesturing for the older Formula 1 driver to lead the way.

The latter quickly raised his hands in defense and said goodbye to his teammate before starting to walk away.

"Maybe we'll see each other again some time," Y/N stated, following her cousin out of the garage, but not before glancing at the Canadian one last time, the smile never leaving her lips.


"Good job, made," Felipe told his teammate as they both met after the race; the Canadian had finished P6 and the Brazilian P7, making it one of the best races of the season for them.

"Thanks, you weren't too bad either," He replied, quickly giving the older Formula 1 driver a high-five before starting to look around, searching for one person in particular; Y/N.

Ever since the two of them had met at the practice two days ago, he couldn't get her out of his head.

It was like every time he closed his eyes, he saw her beautiful smile and her breathtaking eyes in front of him.

The two of them had only talked for some minutes, but he felt like he absolutely needed to see her again.

Shaking his head, he tried to get the thoughts out of his head and forced himself to smile at his teammate  before turning around again to see if he could spot her somewhere else.

A quiet curse left his lips as he ran into someone, his eyes immediately going wide as he saw her right in front of him.

"Are you searching for someone?" She asked, slightly giggling at his confused expression.

"Not anymore," He replied, a bright smile finding it's way onto his lips.

Y/N smiled right back at him, her eyes immediately locking with his.

"Congratulations on P6, you did amazing," She stated, slowly running a hand through her y/h/c hair.

"Thank you."

"And why were you searching for me?"

"Who said that I was?"

"You did, just a few seconds ago." Y/N laughed quietly as he rolled his eyes at her statement, but his expression became softer nevertheless.

"Okay, maybe I was," He admitted, taking a few steps towards her, "It's just that... I can't stop thinking about you."

It took a moment for Y/N to realize what he had said, but her smile widened as soon as she did.

"Maybe I'm feeling the same way," She said, while he softly took her hand in his, making her blush slightly.

"Would you possibly want to go out with me?" Lance asked, softly wrapping his arm around her waist, "But don't you dare to say maybe."

Y/N shook her head before leaning towards him to place a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I would love to."

This one was requested by @xmegan18
I hope you enjoyed reading it🙋
I had great fun to write about Lance since I absolutely love him and think he was a bright future ahead of him in F1🏁
Anyway, thank you very, very much for more than 3k reads🎉 It's absolutely incredible and amazing to see that so many people are reading my work❤

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