Kimi Räikkönen {#9 + #22}

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{"You're in love with her."}

{"I don't owe you an explanation. "}

"Hey, Kimi," Sebastian greeted his teammate, but the Fin didn't even turn around to look at him, "What's up?"

The German's question was left unanswered as Kimi kept on looking straight ahead as if he was either ignoring his teammate or too in thought to even notice him.

It stayed silent between the two Formula 1 drivers for a while, until Sebastian lifted his eyebrow and followed his teammate's gaze.

He couldn't stop the chuckle from leaving his lips as he noticed that he was staring at Y/N, who was sitting on a bench in front of the Ferrari garage, focused on some papers in her lap.

"You know that you're very obvious, don't you, mate?"

Kimi finally turned his attention towards his teammate as he heard those words.

"What're you talking about?" He asked, the small smile that had been visible on his lips ,while he was looking at her, fading away again.

Laughing, the German patted his shoulder, shaking his head in amusement.

"You've been standing here, staring at Y/N for nearly half an hour and you didn't even notice me when I was talking to you," He stated, but his teammate just rolled his eyes before shrugging his shoulders.


"C'mon, man. Everybody knows it," Sebastian started, causing Kimi to raise his eyebrows, "You're in love with her."

The Fin's eyes went even wider than before at this statement and he quickly shook his head, although he knew it was no use to lie to the younger driver.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Kimi glared at his teammate whose lips turned up into an amused smile.

"You should talk to her," Sebastian just stated, nodding towards Y/N before leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Sighing, Kimi glanced at her again, only to notice that she was already looking at him.

"Hey, Kimi!" She exclaimed, gesturing for him to come over to sit next to her.

As he walked towards her, he felt his heartbeat quicken slightly, but he would never admit that to anybody.

"Hey, Y/N. What are you up to?" He questioned, taking a seat next to her before turning around to face her.

A small smile was forming on her lips as she leaned back, enjoying the sun that was shining down on her.

"Oh, I'm just working on your schedule. It's pretty tight in the next few weeks," She replied, handing him one of the papers, but somehow he couldn't seem to stop staring at her to take a look at the schedule.

It was silent between the two of them for a while, but Y/N felt his eyes on her, even though hers were closed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, slowly turning around to face him after opening her eyes again.

The Fin's eyes went wide for a second because he didn't know what to reply to her.

"I-I," He started, debating whether or not he should just say the truth, "I don't owe you an explanation."


Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at his statement, making him realize how strange that answer must have sounded.

Sighing, he lowered his head to look at the ground instead of at her.

"I'm sorry. I just...," He trailed off at the end, not being able to bring up enough courage to tell her how he truly felt.

Y/N became more and more confused by the second, but she stayed silent to let him sort out his own thoughts for a while.

"Everybody says it's so obvious and yet you haven't noticed it," He mumbled after a while, followed by a quiet chuckle.

"You're acting really strange today, Kimi. I don't even know what you're talking about," She replied, running a hand through her y/h/c hair before sighing as well.

Kimi shrugged his shoulders as if what he was about to say was something completely casual.

"I'm in love with you."

Y/N's breath hitched in her throat as she heard those words and her heart immediately began beating ten times as fast as it normally did.

"Y-you're just pranking me, aren't you?"

"No, I'm telling you my true feelings, Y/N."

After she took a deep breath, a small smile finally found its way onto her lips.

"I feel the same way." That was all it took for Kimi to lean forward and softly place his lips on top of hers, while his arms wandered around her waist to pull her as close as it was possible.

Y/N kissed back without hesitating and gladly wrapped her arms around him as well.

"Finally!" They heard someone, probably Sebastian, exclaim in the distance, but they stayed focused on one another.

This one shot is for @TheGreatElesil
Hopefully, you'll enjoy reading it😊
Thanks so, so much for more than 6k reads🎉 This is really incredible🙈
I really hope y'all will enjoy the qualifying later❤

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