Carlos Sainz Jr. {#17}

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{"Love is overrated."}

"Y/N, what's up?" Carlos greeted his best friend after accepting her call.

Since he was at home during the break of the Formula 1 season, he had hoped to be able to spend some time with her, but somehow, she seemed to be pretty busy with her new boyfriend.

"H-hey," She stuttered and he could immediately hear that something was wrong because she sounded like she had been crying.

"What's wrong?" The Spaniard asked, feeling sadness overtaking himself, too at the thought of tears running down her cheeks.

It was silent for a moment before Y/N took in a shaky breath, trying to calm down a little.

"I caught him cheating," She finally whispered, her heart feeling like it broke into a thousand of pieces all over again as she remembered all of her -now- ex-boyfriend's words.

Her best friend frowned as he realized who she was talking about; he had never met that guy because they had only been dating for one month, but from the moment she had told the him about her boyfriend, he couldn't help, but hate him, mainly because he had what Carlos desired so much; her.

"Really?" He asked, his eyes going wide, his hand balled into fists as he cursed something in Spanish under his breath, "He doesn't deserve you, Y/N."

Carlos' anger was replaced by concern and sadness as his best friend started sobbing quietly.

"Please don't cry," He begged, trying to think of something to cheer her up, "Where are you now?"

"In the park," She replied and that was all it took for him to quickly put on his shoes and run out of his house, heading straight towards the park.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," He said, walking as fast as he could.

Thousands of thoughts were flowing through his mind as he finally arrived, looking around to see if he could spot her anywhere.

His first priority was to make her happy again now, but he couldn't help, but wonder if this was finally his chance.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed, seeing her sitting on a bench with her head in her hands.

The young woman looked up, smiling for a brief moment as she saw him sprinting towards her before her expression turned sad again.

"I'm here," Carlos mumbled, tightly wrapping both of his around her after sitting down as well, "Don't worry about him anymore."

She continued crying into his chest for a few minutes before she had calmed down a little and looked up at him again.

"Thank you," She said, her eyes still glossy from all the tears.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asked carefully, but she immediately shook her head.

"I never want to talk about him again," She replied, causing a small smile to find it's way onto her best friend's lips, "I had enough trouble with boys for a lifetime."

Carlos slightly chuckled at this statement, lovingly staring down at her.

"Don't worry, Y/N, love is overrated," He stated, which made her laugh a little.

"You're an idiot," She said, smiling up at him nevertheless, causing his heart to beat ten times farster.

"There's the smile I wanted to see."


Two weeks later, Y/N barely thought about her ex-boyfriend anymore, instead she was having the time of her life with Carlos.

The two of them went to the beach, had movie marathons and chilled together just like they had before she thought she had met the love of life.

One evening, they were at his house again, comfortably laying on the couch with a horror movie in the DVD player.

Y/N would probably never admit it, but she felt more and more scared with each minute that passed by, wondering why she had even chosen the movie in the first place.

The Spaniard glanced at her once in a while, his eyes lightening up and his smile widening as he noticed that she was slowly moving closer to him, the fear taking over her.

Without really thinking about it, he placed one of his arms around her shoulder and pulled her closer.

By the end of the movie, her head was buried into his chest and her arms wrapped around his torso.

"The movie's over, you don't need to be scared anymore," Carlos declared as he switched the TV off, earning a glare from her.

"I wasn't scared," She stated, making him raise his eyebrows as he gestured to the position she was in.

Y/N rolled her eyes, however, she made no efforts to bring more distance between the two of them.

"Maybe I just like being close to you," She said, slightly shrugging her shoulders, while smirking up at him.

Carlos felt how his heart picked up it's speed as he realized what she had said.

"Well," He started, nervously scratching the back of his neck before placing his arm around her again, "I don't mind it either."

They both of them just looked into each other eyes for a moment before he finally leaned in, softly placing his lips on top of hers.

"Y/N," He said as she started blushing after they had broken apart, "I've always loved you."

Her eyes went wide at this statement, making him fear the worst for a moment.

"What happened to 'Love is overrated'?" She asked, chuckling as he didn't know what to reply for a moment.

"Well, being in love with you isn't, corazon" He mumbled, placing a quick kiss on her cheek before stroking it softly.

It was quiet between them for a moment, but her smile soon started mirroring his.

"You're cute," She commented, brushing a hand through his hair before her lips met his again.

"I love you, too, Carlitos."

This one shot was requested by @PedalToTheFloor
I really hope you like it😺

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