Lewis Hamilton {#94}

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{"That's... Not mine?"}

Y/N sighed as she walked into the apartment she was sharing with her boyfriend, Lewis, after a long day of work.

She wanted nothing more than to settle down on the couch with a movie after a relaxing bath and was really looking forward to spend her whole day off in bed the next day.

Carelessly, she threw her bag to the ground and went into the bedroom to get some more comfortable clothes and a towel before turning the water for the bathtub on.

Taking a look around, she saw a bra laying next to the shower and picked it up with raised eyebrows.

"That's... Not mine?" She said, a confused expression visible on her face as she took a closer look at it.

The confusion was soon replaced by shock as she realized what it meant to find a bra that was definitely not hers in the apartment that nobody else, but herself and her boyfriend had the key to.

A look of horror crossed her face and her mind was clouded by the worst scenarios of what could have happened.

Soon, tears started forming in her eyes and she was completely unable to think straight anymore.

Just in that moment, she heard the door being opened and Lewis' voice calling out for her.

"Y/N, are you home?" He asked, walking towards the bathroom because he could see the light from there.

"Hey...," He started, but immediately stopped as he saw the look on her face, "What's wrong?"

Y/N slowly lifted her head up to look at him, tears streaming down her cheeks as he took a few steps towards her, but she quickly backed away.

"Why don't you tell me what's wrong?" She hissed, throwing the bra directly at her boyfriend, while crossing her arms in front of her chest, trying her best to stay calm.

Lewis just chuckled and was about to explain everything, but she cut him off before he could say anything.

"Why?" She asked quietly, looking at him with her eyes full of hurt, which made him feel like his heart was breaking into a million of pieces.

"I-it's not what it look like," He stuttered, stretching his hand out to take hers, but she immediately pulled it away.

"Of course," She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at the statement she had heard way too often in previous relationships, "I thought you were smarter than that."

The Brit took a deep breath; he could understand why she was reacting this way and he would probably react the same way if it was the other way around.

"Please let me explain this, love. I know what it looks like, but it's not like that," He stated, sighing as she shook her head.

"There's no need to explain, Lewis. I just want to know why you did it," She replied, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand.

It stayed silent between the two of them for a while; she was thinking about what she was supposed to do now and he was trying to find the right words to explain the situation.

"I know it probably sounds like a lie, but you have to believe me, Y/N," Lewis finally started, softly taking her hand in his, "I would never cheat on you, never."

Y/N looked at the ground, not knowing what to think about his words; she wanted to believe him so bad, but her mind didn't allow her to, the situation was pretty clear to her.

"And why is there a bra that doesn't belong to me in our bathroom if it's not from your affair?" She questioned, her heart aching in her chest.

"Your best friend came over," He started, making her raise her eyebrows in confusion, "She wanted to hang out with you and she was wet because of the rain, so I told her she could shower and take some of your clothes, while waiting for you."

"And where is she now?" Y/N questioned, gesturing towards the empty living room.

"Her boyfriend called and she had to go," The Formula 1 driver replied, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend, hoping that she would believe him.

She didn't know what to say or do anymore, so she just stayed in his embrace, the tears finally stopping.

"I believe you," She mumbled after a while of silence, slightly backing away because she wanted to look into his eyes, "I'm sorry for not trusting you."

A smile was visible on Lewis' lips as he leaned forward to press a quick kiss to her cheek.

"It's alright, love. I would have reacted like that, too," He assured her, pulling her closer to him again and brushing a hand through her y/h/c hair, "but you should know that I love you way to much to ever cheat on you."

"I love you, too," She replied, leaning in to place her lips on top of his in a soft kiss, "more than anything else."

This one is for fthiss
I really hope you like it😇

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