Esteban Ocon {#81}

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{"It's not nearly as bad as it looks, darling."}

A smile found its way onto Esteban's lips as he heard his girlfriend, Y/N, mumble something in her sleep, causing him to pull her a little closer, so her head was laying on top of his chest.

"I love you," He whispered quietly into her ear before placing a soft kiss on her head, his hand carefully brushing through her y/h/c hair.

After some moments, which had consisted of him lovingly staring down at her, Y/N's eyes slowly fluttered open, a smile immediately forming on her lips as she felt her boyfriend's arms around her.

"Good morning," She said, a content sigh leaving her lips as she slightly turned her head to be able to look at him.

"Good morning, beautiful."

With his hand resting on her cheek, the Frenchman leaned down to be able to place his lips on top of hers in a sweet kiss.

It was rare that the two of them were able to share a peaceful moment like this since Esteban was away often and his girlfriend couldn't always follow him.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," He stated, causing his girlfriend to chuckle lightly before shrugging her shoulders.

"Why can't we? It's your free weekend, isn't it?"

Running a hand through his dark hair in an attempt to cover up his nervousness, Esteban slowly shook his head and sat up, forcing her to do so as well, a frown replacing her smile.

"I-I have to go to some team-meeting," He said, hoping she wouldn't question it any further, but he saw her expression turning into a confused one as she raised her eyebrows at his statement.


Y/N couldn't and didn't want to believe that he was going to leave her alone once again; lately, she had been feeling like he didn't even want to spend his free time with her anymore. He often told her a team-meating was scheduled for the day or he'd go out with his friends, instead of being with her any second he could like he used to.

"I'm sorry," Esteban replied, pulling her out of her thoughts and back into the reality, "but they said it's really important."

Rolling her eyes, Y/N started getting out of the bed, but he quickly grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving.

"I miss spending time with you," She breathed out, the sadness clearly audible in her voice, causing him to feel like his heart was aching in his chest.

"I wish it would be different, but I can't change it. I promise I'll make it up to you soon."

Without giving her the chance to reply, the formula one driver leaned forward, connecting their lips in a long kiss and wrapping his arms around her again.


A few hours later, Y/N found herself aimlessly strolling through a shopping centre downtown. She had called her best friend beforehand to check if she was in for a bit of chilling, but oddly she had seemed just as busy as Esteban was.

Y/N felt like she was getting more bored by the second, so she decided to get something to eat to stop herself from over thinking everything. The strangest of thoughts had started to cross her mind and she couldn't help, but come up with the worst possibilities of why Esteban was acting so different lately.

As she was passing her favorite restaurant, she saw a very familiar woman sitting opposite an even more familiar man; her best friend, Y/F/N, and Esteban were sitting at a table, laughing and chatting happily.

With her heart speeding up in her chest and shaking hands, Y/N walked into the restaurant and straight towards the table the two of them were sitting at.

"What's going on here?" She asked, tears threatening to spill as she stood right beside them, causing both of their eyes to widen in shock.

"What are you doing here, Y/N?"

The young woman scoffed at her best friend's question, immediately crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"What are the two of you doing here together?" She replied, a single tear rolling down her cheek, while her boyfriend quickly stood up.

"It's not nearly as bad as it looks, darling."

Esteban wanted to wrap his arms around his girlfriend, but she shrugged them off and took a few steps backwards, making him feel like his heart was breaking into thousands of pieces.

"Let me explain, please," He pleaded, his eyes searching for hers, but she looked at the ground instead, not wanting to face him at the moment, "I know that this must look very bad, but it's nothing, really."

Sighing, the Frenchman reached out to take her hand in his, causing her to finally look up at him.

"I've been planing a surprise for our anniversary next week and I called Y/F/N to help me since she basically knows everything about you."

Y/N bit her lip after hearing his explanation, trying to figure out if he was actually saying the truth.

"So that's why you haven't been spending time with me lately?"

Nodding his head, Esteban placed his hand on her cheek, softly stroking it.

"Idiot," Y/N breathed out after a while, quickly closing the distance between the two of them by leaning forward and softly pressing her lips to his.

He immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her as close to him as possible. After breaking apart, smiles were visible on both of their faces.

"So, are you going to tell me what the surprise is?"

Esteban shook his head in amusement before leaning down to kiss her again. "Je t'aime, Y/N."

This one was requested by @tami_udvardy
I really hope like it😁

Enjoy the Brazilian GP, y'all🏁💛

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