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"Come on Tanani. Get up, get in the shower, do whatever you gonna do to that big ass head, and put your bathing suit and shit on." I say picking her up and taking her out of the bed. She wrapped her legs around me while I walked into the bathroom carrying her. "I'm sleepy though stink." She says in a raspy voice making me laugh.

"You gone wash up and when you get in the shower it should wake you up." I say turning the water on taking off her my big ass shirt she had on. She was naked under it too. "Alright." She says looking like she's about to cry. She has a bad ass cold we been in the house all week. I want her to get out though, her cold getting a little better.

"I know you sick. Imma go get this medicine and you should feel better by later. Wash up real quick." I say kissing her cheek and watching her step into the shower. "Okay." She says as I walk out to head downstairs.

I walk back upstairs back into her room and see her laying in the bed naked. "Come on baby, get up." I say pouring the medicine on the spoon. "Open ya mouth." I say. She opens it and I put the spoon in her mouth. "Swallow that, and drink this." I say giving her some water. "You got ya shit out?" I ask. "Yes. It's right there at the bottom of the bed. She says pointing to it. I hate that she sick. I just wanna hold her and kiss her all over her face.

I had just put my swimming trunks on and a white Polo-Tee. "Taj and his lil bitch still going with us?" I ask Nani slidding my feet into my socks then putting my Gucci slides on. Nani has hers on too she wanted to match. "Yes. Don't say bitch that's not nice." She says laughing a little. Her voice sounds horrible like she has a bunch of cold in her chest. I watch her put our towels and clothes for when we get done with the water park in her big ass tan MCM bag. She got bout ten designer pocketbooks.

"Come on." She says grabbing her phone and her charger. "Go get in the car and turn the air on." I tell her. She walks out of the room.

"They meeting us there?" I ask Nani. She nods her head yes. "You hungry?" I ask her. "No. I don't have a appetite stink." She says putting her seat back and covering herself with this beach towel. "Drink that tea so your throat can feel better." I tell her rubbing her thigh.


"Hurry up. You taking your time when they already on they way there." I say to Isis as she puts lotion on her legs. "Don't fucking rush me." She says rolling her eyes. I put my finger in her face. "Don't play with me." She bites my finger, I jump and pull it away rubbing it. "Don't put that shit in my face." I laugh and walk out of my room into the bathroom answering my phone. "Yo?" I answer. "Taj you coming to my appointment?" Tiara voice booms. Her loud ass. "Naw I'm going somewhere." I tell her not really caring. I don't know if that's my fucking baby or not. When the baby get here I'm getting a damn DNA test right away.

"Where ever you going more important than your baby?" She asks with a attitude. "Man shut up. Text me and tell me how everything went." I say hanging up. That bitch get on my fucking nerves I swear. "Dumb ass bitch." I mumble walking back to my room. "Brother! Where you going?" Tahja asks sitting on my bed with Isis. "Six flags Ta." I say picking her up kissing her cheek. "Me and Jayah wanna go. Can we?" She asks pouting. I sigh. "Not this time Tah-Tah." I tell her. Her eyes tear up and she grabs my face and bites the shit out my cheek. I almost threw her lil ass. "Why the fuck you bite me like that?" I ask putting her down. She look mad as hell right now looking up at me with her arms crossed. "Me and sissy wanna go!" She yells kicking me right in my dick. I fall to the floor. Isis busts out laughing. "Tahja get ya dirty ass out my room." I say calmly. "No shut up, bitch!" She yells kicking me in my head. Isis on the bed laughing her ass off. Pissing me off man I'm trying to keep myself from throwing her ass down the steps. "Mom! Tell Tahja get out my room!" I yell. "Tajah take your bad ass in your room!" My mom yells. She puts her middle finger up and me and runs out my room.

I stand up. "Hurry up yo, Imma be waiting in the car." I say. My dick sore as hell. I had just got in the Car and looked at my phone. This bitch Majesty been texting me all day talking some bullshit I ain't even tryna hear right now. "You gone start the car or?" Isis says breaking me out of my thoughts I didn't even know she was in the car what the hell. "Shut up." I say staring the car and pulling out of the parking spot.

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