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No more tears
No red eyes
After the damage I've all cried out
From seeing you by her side
Bought a few memories right back to mind
Like how you would hold me just like that
But thinking back on it shouldn't get me mad
But I'm still important can't forget that
And start falling off track
So I gotta move foward
Cause you didn't care when I there
And now that I'm here you're trying to pull me in
So I gotta move forward
I swear it's the worst you putting her first
And although it hurts I gotta keep going...
Foward - Sha Sha Jones


I was just leaving the Tattoo Parlor. I had gotten the tattoo that had a rose and Basheer's name in it finished. "I can't believe you went and got that tattoo finished after he did everything he did to you." My mama fussed making me sigh. "Mama I love him though." I said honestly. I miss him so much, he did me so dirty though. Made me get two abortions, started acting like I was just a delusional bitch, then left me to go back to his lil rican.

"I don't know why. That boy ain't shit. I can't believe he took you to get two abortions and you actually went through with them. I didn't raise you that way. I still don't understand why you would even go there with him knowing he was in a relationship Zacaria, sometimes you make the dumbest decisions." She says preaching and shaking her head.

I didn't even argue with her because everything she said was just about right. Love will make you do just about anything. "Have y'all talked since he been gone?" She asks. "No, he's back with her." I say rolling my eyes. I knew it was bound to happen though, I just didn't wanna believe it.

"You should've already knew that was gonna happen. I mean duh." She says making me roll my eyes. I pull in front of her door and hug and kiss her cheek. "See you later mama, love you." I say. "Love you too." She says getting out of the car.

I drove back to my house. Pulling into my garage I could've swore that was Basheer's car sitting across the street but I knew I had to be tripping because he went back to Philadelphia.

I got out of my car and grabbed my hot pink Chanel bag. Flipping my hair over my shoulder and shutting the door, trying to block my face from this hot ass sun. I don't know why I put on jeans today. "Cari!" I heard a familiar voice call to me once I got across the street.


I started to speed walk so I could hurry into my house. I didn't have anything to say to him honestly. I hope he's not back for good. I knew I should of put on some sandals instead of these high ass heels. "You heard me calling you. Stop playing with me, hurry up and unlock the door it's hot out here." Basheer says from behind me. I unlock the door and walk in trying to shut it before he can. He puts his foot in the door.

"Zacaria stop fucking playing with me." He says sternly and walking in. "Why are you here?" I ask trying to avoid eye contact with him while he eyes my outfit. "Leaving in two days. Had to get the rest of my shit." He says nonchalantly staring at my boobs.

"Why you got on a see through shirt?" He asks stepping closer to me as he began to grab my waist. "Stop touching me. I have on a see through shirt because I can." I say taking my heels off and throwing my purse on the couch. "You really playing yaself. I leave for a lil while and you don't know how to act." He says looking at the tattoo of his name on my arm.

"At least you knew better than to get my name covered." He mumbles. "Basheer just get the fuck out. I hate you. Get out!" I yell on the verge of tears. I can't take this pain anymore. "Who you yelling at? I'm not going nowhere. You know damn well you don't want me to leave." He says as he rubs my ass and starts kissing my neck.

"Stop crying." He says wiping my face. "Can you please just leave?" I ask sniffing and wiping my eyes. I hate to cry in front of him I swear I hate it. "No." He says nonchalantly still holding me. I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest.

"Go upstairs. I'll be up there in a lil bit." He says tapping my ass sending me on my way and heading into the kitchen. I sigh and take off my shirt and my jeans leaving me in my bra and a black thong. I wasn't planning on getting any dick right now anyway I just wanna sleep. "You been keeping it wet for me?" I jump at the sound of his voice.

"Mhm." I say as he rubs my pussy from behind me. "You gave my shit up?" He asks as he starts sucking on my neck. I shake my head no. "Huh? You did?" He smirks pulling my thong to the side and whipping his big hard ass dick out. "No daddy, I didn't." I manage to moan out.

I gasp as I feel him enter me. I don't know what is is about Basheer. I love him so much even if he doesn't feel the same way about me, my love and loyalty for him will never change. One day I hope we can get married and have kids. I don't wanna be with anybody else but him. I swear I'm a sucka for him and I don't even care.

- -
"No. You remember this one?" We laugh together looking at old pictures of us from a couple of months ago. "Yeah I remember that day. You crazy ashit." He says laughing making me chuckle. I was in the mirror while he sat on the sink with no shirt on and I was on his lap kissing his neck while he was looking in his phone.

That day I had told him I was pregnant and he went off, so I went off too. "You made me this way." I say jokingly rolling my eyes. He laughs and kisses my cheek.

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