Part Eight

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We pulled up to Ash's house and her old pickup crunched to a stop. "Alright. Home sweet home Annie." Ash said and turned off the key.

I snorted. Ash had a nice country house, like mine. In fact, we're neighbors. Although we live a couple acres apart Ash and I make do with what we get.

"Do me a favor and grab giggles back there." Eve directed at me, referring to Eliot.

Nodding I started to unbuckle the smiling babe. "Hey little dude. Ready for a nap?" I hoisted him into my shoulder and slipped out of the car. The waking was rough, and between a brace, medical papers, and a baby it was almost like my physical therapy sessions.

Apollo and Art came running up to me as soon as Ash opened the door to let me inside. "Hi puppies! Did you miss me? Oh I know you did!" I pat Art on the head and cooed Apollo while looking around.

Eve called out. "Mrs. Queen we're home!" She took Eliot who was beginning to nod off away for a nap.

The comforting smell of vanilla and blueberries filled my nose as usual in the Queen home. Ash walked down the hallway to her spare room to stash my duffle and I soon heard water running in the bathroom connected to it.

"Annie my dear it's lovely to see you're doing alright!" Mrs. Queen came out of the kitchen wearing an apron.

"Hi Mrs. Queen." I shyly waved and took off my shoes.

She embraced me like I was her own daughter. "How have you been? You're quite skinny sweetheart, what did they feed you at the hospital? Do you hurt anywhere?" She asked all in one breath.

"No I'm okay. Id really like a hot shower and a good meal though." I smiled at the concern she had for me. Mrs. Queen often became my source of motherly comfort.

"Well lucky for you, I'm cooking right now! I hope you don't mind veggies and chicken. Are you allowed to eat that?" She looked me up and down.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded.

She smiled. "Very good. Now go hop in the shower and put on some comfy clothes. I can feel your bandages through your shirt Ann."

Thanking her I made my way through the hall I had so many times before. Ash had run a hot shower but was waiting for me in the bedroom. "Do you need help?" She asked. "With anything?"

"I think I'll manage. Thank you though."

"No problem. I'll be in the next room over so just let me know if you want different clothes or something else." Ash shrugged and walked out the door, gently closing it.

I stripped down as gently as I could to not bother my stitches. Doctors say I have 697 to be exact.

I still don't know what happened after I blacked out. I know I'd pushed Ash out of the way of falling lights, but what had happened after?

"Should I ask?" I wondered, unraveling the bandages surrounding my ribs. Maybe I'd do it tonight at dinner. What's the worst that could come out of a question?

Turning to take a good look at the damage done, it wasn't as bad as I had thought. A thin, long, white scar graced the center of my chest, stopping just below my ribs. The stitches below my left collar, red and raw. I knew there was more.

But I also knew it could be worse. A lot could be worse.

For example, Dad could be found dead. But he hasn't. That I was thankful for.

Ash could have been hurt. Eve could have been hurt. But they weren't. All three of our homes could have been destroyed. But they weren't.

I opened the glass doors the shower and let the steam embrace me. Fresh bottles of shampoo, conditioner and Mrs. Queens handmade lavender soap had been left out for me.  Smiling I poured some in my hand, scrubbing my hair clean. Lavender soap, conditioner, and I was done.

Shutting off the water I grabbed a towel and padded into the joint bedroom. A knock at the door startled me.

"Yes?" I answered and opened my duffel looking for clothes.

"It's Eve. Can I come in?"

"Give me a quick second," I pulled on undergarments and black jean shorts. "Okay."

Eves face appeared and she smiled. "Well look at you."

"Yeah yeah you never see me in anything else other than a sweatshirt." I teased jokingly.

"Believe me Ann if you dressed up you'd have more than a couple people after you. But that's not the point," She laughed. "There's a guy here for you. He said his name was Luke or something."

My heart dropped. "Lucas?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah that's it." I grabbed a white tank top and pushed past her while struggling to get on. "Hey what's gotten into you?"

"Just don't worry about it!" Throwing my hair into a bun and bursting out of the hall right into Lucas and Mrs. Queens conversation.

Lucas looked up at me from the couch. "Hello Miss Woods."

"You." I growled. "What are you doing here?" I approached him quickly.

Lucas stood making me forget how to think. "I wanted to talk to you, Miss Woods. Is that a problem?" He sweetly questioned.

"I-," Eve and Ash sniggered behind me. "No. Outside."

Lucas nodded and made his way to the door. Once we were both out, I gently shut the door before ripping into him. "Cut the "Miss Woods" act and tell me what you want." I hissed.

"To talk to you." Lucas crossed his arms.

I blinked at him. "Walk." I pointed him down the drive way and followed. "What do you want to talk to me about?" Letting my curiosity take over.

"Have you considered the Peace Corps offer?" Lucas turned his face to the sun, tucking his hands into his jean pockets. The boy was already tan enough.

"I have."


"For me to join there's something's that need to come out of it for me."

"Like what?" Lucas spoke.

"I want.." My head took over. Why was I telling him what I wanted?

Thompson stopped to look at me. "Yes?"

I matched him. "I want my Dad."

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