First mission

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There comes a time for play and for seriousness. When I finally got better, I had to get serious. We had to get serious. As time went on, the invasions got worse. The Tarriks had gotten to some major city's. Berlin, Moscow, Tokyo were some of the last few to hold their own. The states had troops in them, helping them to keep those monsters out. The states were also some of the last country's to still have total control. Germany, Russia, and Japan? Oh they were all split in some way. Russian officials have said they lost more than half their lands. Now is really the time for us to get going. We needed to get into the field. And so our mission began.

"Testing testing uno due tre. Can you hear me Lucas?" I spoke softly in the helmet of my armor.

"Quattro chinque sei. I can hear ya loud and clear Annie. Remember all the weaknesses of them jerks?" Before we were sent out to Moscow, we were taught all the ways to uhm how do I put this, kill the Tarriks. But as the way of Season, we can't be inhumane. Quickly and painlessly would be best for them. It was the kindest way to go. Never take a life unless you have too.

"Quick and painless. Never take the life unless you need too."

"Atta girl." I could hear the pride in his voice. Even though we're going into a mission and we had helmets on in the dark, we could se- no feel the pride in each other.

"Captains." One of the ship pilots addressed us at attention. "We are nearing drop zone. T-minus five minutes."

"Thank you." I said trying to be heard over the roar of the drop ships. This was going to be a get in get out mission. We had certain armor for all occasions. For this we had on the stealth series. Black, and was able to take on any color and it camouflage. We needed information on the commanders and leaders of the Tarriks. So that lead us to no other voice but to, unfortunately, kidnap a soldier. We were told that they would be interrogated. We had to vouch that he wouldn't be scratched under Seasons laws. He wouldn't be harmed. Season agreed thankfully.

"T-minus drop time 30 seconds 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21.."

I looked to Lucas. "It's the first mission. We're gonna be fine." He looked up at me. "I know we will."

"14, 13, 12.."

"But it's the aliens who aren't going to be."

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