But i promised..

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It broke my heart to see Annie in that condition. Shutting the door with my foot I choked out a sob. I put down her armor on the chair so I could see her. Her normally happy and bright blue eyes were closed, and she had the same marks as me. Only it looked as if hers were still bleeding. Only a bit though. She had tubes. Ivs and what looked like a breathing tube in her mouth. One thing was for sure. The augmentation didn't go as planned for her. Only one thing could run through my mind. I promised we'd be ok. And her I am. I'm ok. In my black armor. Standing with my Annie. My hurt Annie. How could they let this happen!? How could I let this happen?

"Hey Annie." The amount of guilt was incredible. "I don't know if you can hear me. If you can then it means your healing. That's good." I sighed and took her hand. "Annie I really miss you. I need you to wake up." Just then the heart monitor started to beep faster. Like as if she was waking up. "Annie?" Her eyes slowly started to open up. And I knew, for the first time in a long time, she's gonna be ok. We're gonna be ok. We made it through the augmentation. We did it.

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