Russian Mystery

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One foot slammed down on the floor, in perfect timing with mine. "What did I tell you?" I huffed out. We were pulling along the soldier we needed, but he wasn't very cooperative. Did I mention we have the whole army after us? No? Ok. The soldier was yelling at us. Probably not some nice word I really won't know cause the sounded like a whole bunch of clicks and whistles. Then a few growls. When the army would click out for him, he would click back.

"I'm sorry Annie, what was your plan again? Sneak in and steal someone from under their nose? I think attacking the guard was much more sensible."

"We should knock him out at the least. So he can't click back. And we can carry him."

Lucas grumbled something under his breath. "Fine. Here hold his cuffs." He pulled the vile out of his suit and shook it before handing it to me.

"Thank you." As quickly and gently as possible put it to the side of his neck.

"Whrrrr cll-ick?" Was all he said before crashing to the floor. I couldn't help but snort. Worked better than I thought. "On tre. Uno due tre." I had to hoist him up on Lucas's back. "There we go."

"Warriors do you copy?" Our helmets buzzed to life. "We need to know how far you guys are from the extraction point."

"One and a half click sir." Lucas answered. "Here Annie can you take him?" With a nod the soldier was hefted on my shoulders. "I thought I saw someone around the corner." He said now across coms. When we speak into coms the helmet won't allow the voice to be heard outside of the helmet. So silence outside of the helmet, and inside we can communicate without the enemy hearing us. Make sense?

Lucas pulled out his Glock and I turned on the scanner in my helmet. "Lucas. There isn't someone over there."

"Thank god." he said putting the Glock away.

"Half the army is." He turned to look at me with what I was assuming a I hate these guys look and went, "Gimme the Glock and get to extraction point. It can't be to far. Now it's maybe a click away." I gave him the gun and he pulled out some smoke bombs. "On tre." In unison we went

"Tre. Go go go Annie! Get to point and tell them to wait for me."

This man will be the death of me. I busted open the bunker door and saw the wooded area. I smelled something funny and I realized it was the smoke bombs Lucas set off. He better get out of there alive..

"Публично заявить! Медленно! Руки где я их вижу!" Russian Soldiers shouted to me. I didn't want to hurt the alien, we needed him. So I slowly put down the du- girl? Guy? I don't know. I just laid them down, and put my hands up. I simply called out,

"Я здесь чтобы помочь! Америка поможет!"

"Действительно?" I heard a voice reply in a tree.


"America has come to help us!" I heard cheers come from around me and the alien, "America! America!" And hundreds of people came yelling English and Russian. I then realized, these people are probably alone, or have no leader. They didn't have the traditional Russian uniform. But one girl caught my eye. She looked so young. Like my age young. I need to find out who she is. Her life won't be smashed to bits my the Tarriks. And who came in time to ruin it? Lucas came tearing out of the trees.

"Стол!" Celebrations stopped.

"No no no no no he's a friend. He help Russia, not hurt!" I said as best I could in broken English. A collection of ohhhs could be heard then back to America! But the girl was quiet. I turned on coms. "Lucas take the alien to extraction point. I've got a few questions to ask these Soldiers."

The PeacekeeperHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin