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Lucas's pov again.

"Lucas! What's going on in there? Whatever it is we can fix it!" I heard Mr Jackson yelling at me through the door. At this point I had found my Glock.

"Sir! I would like to know Annie's location after her augmentation! I'm very worried about her, is she ok?"

"Of course Lucas! You can see her, but I need you to let me in. We need to talk." Talking is never good when it came paired with Mr Jackson. I heard feet shuffle. More than 5 feet. They're coming to restrain me from hurting myself trying to find Annie.

"Sir I know you have reinforcements outside this door. So, I'm going to unload my gun, and give you the magazine. I just want to know Annie's location. Sir I need to see her." I heard a sigh.

"Very well. I'll get the Glock magazine for Annie's location. Ok Lucas I'm coming in." I unloaded the Glock and handed him the magazine. I have another magazine. No problem there. " Lucas you can find her in room 1031 on floor 10. Take the elevator, but look..." I turned my head to him, expecting the worst. And knowing what floor she was on, 10, was the recovery floor. "Sir I know that she's on recovery floor. I know I'm on cryogenic floor. What happened to her, Sir?"

"We don't know. She didn't wake up from cryo when she needed to. That's why we didn't wake you up when she did. But Dave over here didn't care. He thought he could take you."

I snorted at that. I'm a super soldier. You can't take me. Unless it's Annie. We're probably evenly matched. Annie's probably stronger than me!

"Lucas here. Put on the suit. It's your armor. It gives you clearance on all floors and room. And you might as well have this back." He handed me the Glock magazine. "I know you won't shoot me. Put it in your hip holster. It'll be much more convenient."

I looked to the manakin where the armor was. I let out a low whistle. It was jacked. Shoulder pads, a matching helmet. The chest plate was sculpted and looked to be made to fit me perfectly. The arms and legs had guards that looked like a tear drop. The armor was all black but my helmet had a read visor whole Annie's had a blue one. In all words, it was beautiful. Can I bring Annie's to her too?

"Well? What do you think?" He looks very excited.

"I love it sir. But, may I take Annie's to her too? And I'll need some info on how the suit works if that's not a problem." I really want to bring it to her.

He thought about it for a moment. "I guess you can. But you'll need the bag for it. And you'll be getting two assets. But that's for later. When Annie wakes up. For now just wear the suit, and bring Annie's to her. The suit will help her. She should already be healing."

Healing? "Sir, she should be healing? But I was told you need to be in cryogenic to do that.."

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