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I was hiding in my room as Kaleb and his mom continued to argue.

"We're not even dating! She's not going anywhere! End of story!" I heard Kaleb yell. His mom said something back, but I couldn't hear her response. "I'm tired of this bullshit!" Kaleb said, and storms out of the house and slams the door behind him. I curl up in a ball and a tear falls from my eye. I don't want to sleep on anymore benches. Ms. Babson is going to kick me out at night for something I don't even have: a relationship with her son. However, it's all I could ever want. A knock at my door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in," I force myself to say. Ms. Babson walks in with a frustrated look on her face. "Do you want me to leave now?" Another tear fell down my cheek.

Ms. Babson shook her head, "No. Just don't kiss or cuddle with my son again. Do you understand?"

I nod and wipe the tear from my cheek. She walks out and turns off the lights. I sniff and pull the covers over me. I close my eyes to fall asleep.

Three hours later and I am unable to fall asleep. Kaleb came home a bit earlier. He's in his room, but I keep hearing thud noises. Is he okay? I push my covers off and put on my slippers and slowly walk to my bedroom door. I open in and tip-toe out into the hallway and towards Kaleb's room. I put my fist up to knock, but I heard something. Something that I've never wanted to hear. He was with a girl. They were laughing, kissing and other things that I don't even want to imagine. A tear falls from my eye and I slowly walk back to my room and flop down on my bed. I curl up in a ball. This can't be happening.

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