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"C'mon let's go home," Kaleb begged. My step dad was sitting on the bench.

"What about my sister?" I looked over at her.

"She can come with us. We have an extra room in the basement that she can stay in."

I grabbed Hope's hand and she looked at me, "We're going home."

"Home?" she looked confused. "What about John?"

That's the first time I've heard his horrid name in months. I forbid myself to remember that name. "We're leaving him. Now, let's go."

Hope looked back at him, but he was facing the other way. She nodded then walked with me.

We came upon Kaleb's house, but I stopped at the driveway.

Kaleb looked back at me, "Are you okay, love?"

"What about your mom?"

"I will talk to her."

"But will that actually work?" I put my hand on my stomach. "She will never let me and my sister stay with this baby."

"Let me go in and talk to her," he held out his hand. "Just come with me inside, please. I miss being with you everyday. I miss making you French toast and writing you letters every morning. I'm not taking no for an answer from her."

I took his hand and we walked inside together. 

"Mom! I brought some guests home!" Kaleb called.

She raced downstairs, but stopped once she saw me. "What is she doing here? And who is with her?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but I was interrupted by Kaleb, "You two can go upstairs."

I led my sister up the stairs and into my room. I heard the chattering of Kaleb and Ms. Babson, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I first heard Ms. Babson's voice start to raise, then Kaleb's. I felt pain in my abdomen. I grabbed my stomach and cringed.

"Jessica?" my sister put her hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

The pain got worse. I opened my mouth to scream, but I couldn't. The pain overtook my voice.  I started seeing blood. "Kaleb! Kaleb!" I finally yelled. I heard the voices stop. "Kaleb come here right now!"

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