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Kaleb and his mom ran upstairs and opened my door. I was still grabbing my stomach and rocking back and forth to try to ease the pain, but the pain just got worse. 

"What's wrong?" Kaleb ran over to me and held my hand while his other hand rested on my head. 

"We need to get her to the hospital. Now," Ms. Babson said. Kaleb lifted me off of the bed and took me to the car while my sister followed. Ms. Babson raced down the highway.

"Do you know what's going on?" Kaleb asked his mother. I was laying down in the backseat with my head resting on Kaleb's thigh. 

"I think I do," she replied. Her eyes were focused on the road.

"Well, what is it?"

"A miscarriage."

My heart skipped a beat. My breath was shallow. No. This can't be happening. This can't be real. My baby. It's dying. And I can't do anything but lay here and scream.

We get to run into the Emergency Room with me still in Kaleb's arms. We were assigned to a OB-GYN. She puts gel on my stomach for the ultrasound. She put the thing that looked  like a microphone of some sort up to my stomach. She slid it around my stomach, looking for a heart beat. Nothing. She went to the other side of my stomach. No heart beat. She went to the center. No heart beat. She then looked everywhere else around my stomach. Still, no heart beat. A tear rolled down my cheek. Where did I go wrong?

"Um," the doctor started to say quietly. "I know this is a troubling time, but would you like me to do some DNA testing to find out the sex of the baby?"

"I thought it was dead," Kaleb looked at the doctor with his hands on mine.

"It is, and I am so sorry for your loss. However, I can still do some DNA testing to figure out the gender if you would like."

"I don't think-" Ms. Babson started to say.

"Yes," I interrupted her.

"Okay, well I'll get started on that. You can come back tomorrow to get the results."

I nodded. The pain was still there, but I've come numb to it. The pain traveled up to my heart. It felt like someone was reaching into my chest and crushing my heart. Kaleb cheeks were full of tears. He rested his forehead on mine. I put my hand on my stomach.

"I am so sorry," Ms. Babson laid her hand on my shoulder.

"Mom," Kaleb said, not opening his eyes. "Please, leave us alone for a second."

"Oh. Okay. Sure. I'll go to the waiting room with Jessica's sister," she walked out.

Kaleb wiped my tears away.

"It's gone. Our baby is gone," my words shattered my heart.

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