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Kaleb was pacing around the room. "What do you mean pregnancy test? You legit think you're pregnant? Am I ready for this? Am I ready to be a father? Do we have enough money for a kid? Oh my God, what will my mom think?"

"Kaleb slow down!" I raise my voice and he stops and looks at me. "It could just be a coincidence. All I know is that I've been feeling very sick lately and I'm very tired, which are symptoms of pregnancy, but it's going to be okay. Just take a deep breath."

He takes a deep breath. "I'll run out and get you a pregnancy test. I'll be right back. The store is just across the street."

"Get me two, just in case."

Kaleb nods and runs out. I sit down on my bed then I hear a voice come from outside my door.

"Pregnant, huh?" Riley walked into my room.

I look up. When does this bitch ever stop eavesdropping? I put my face in my palms.

"Don't worry, I won't tell my mom. But are you sure?" She sits down next to me.

"I have all the symptoms of early pregnancy."

"Here," Riley hands me a pregnancy test box. I look at her, confused. "C'mon, I'm in college. I've had to use a pregnancy test once or twice. I just happened to have extra. Now go take the test."

I get up and race to the bathroom. I take the test and wait. My heart was racing. I paced around the bathroom until the pregnancy finally started to show my result. I look at it and my heart skips a beat. My breath quickens. I force myself to walk back to my room where Riley was waiting.

"So?" She looked up. "What does it say?"

"I, I'm pregnant," I stutter.

"You're what?" Ms. Babson's voice came from outside my door. I turn around. This could not of gone worse. Kaleb runs in and doesn't even realize that his mom was next to him.

"I brought you the pregnancy tests. Here," he hands them to me. "Go take the-" he cut his sentence short when he looked over at his mom.

"Yeah, Jessica. Why don't you go take the test. We'll all wait," she sat down on my bed and crossed her arms. I slowly walk out. My body was tense. I take the two tests that Kaleb just got for me and wait. When the results show, they said the exact same thing as the first one. I walk back into my room. Kaleb was pacing while Riley and Ms. Babson were sitting on my bed.

"I'm pregnant," I force the words out of my mouth. I would be so happy about this if Riley and Ms. Babson weren't in the picture.

Kaleb takes a long, deep breath and brushes his fingers through his hair. "Oh my God."

"I'm assuming this is your child, Kaleb?" Ms. Babson seemed angrier than ever, but she tried to hide it.

"I, I, yes," he sighed.

Ms. Babson stood up and slightly nodded then walked out. She went to her room and closed the door.

"I'm going to be an aunt," Riley broke the silence.

"I'm going to be a father," Kaleb smiled.

"And I'm going to be a mother," I smiled at Kaleb and hugged him.

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