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"Mom?" Kaleb knocked on Ms. Babson's door. I stood behind him. I could hear her sobbing. What have we done? My hands start to shake and I start to feel dizzy. I lean against the wall. Was this just a big mistake? "Are you okay?" Kaleb asks.

I nod. He knocks again. "Mom, can we just talk about this?"

The door opened. You can tell Ms. Babson had been crying. Her eyes were blood red and tears were rolling down her cheeks. "What is there to talk about? Jessica is pregnant. You're the father. I get it."

"You're not going to kick us out are you?" Kaleb asked.

She didn't answer for a bit. "Kaleb, I don't want to talk about this right now," she shut the door before he could reply.

Kaleb just stared, like he couldn't move. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Water started to fill his eyes. He ran to his room and shut his door behind him. I heard the lock click. All I wanted to do is break down and cry. I walked to my room and shut the door. I sit down on my bed and just stare at my stomach. I should've told him to use protection. This would've never happened. What would my mom think if she saw me now? She would probably kick me out of the house just like Ms. Babson is going to. I pick up my guitar and put on the clothes that I first came to this house in. I should leave before she kicks me out herself. I start to walk downstairs, then I see Riley is in the living room. She wouldn't let me leave. I'll wait until everyone is asleep tonight.

There was no dinner, no talking to anyone, or anything. We all were in our rooms for hours. I looked at the clock and it was 1:11am. I decided it was my time to go. I walk out of my room and down the stairs. No one was downstairs. The house was completely silent. All I could hear were the sounds of New York outside. I open the front door and walk out. I close the door slowly and quietly. I turn around and the lights of New York were brighter than ever. I adjust my grip on my guitar then start walk to find my new home. Or, my new bench.

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