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All I can say is that life sucks, but that's an understatement. I was homeless. Now I live here with my boyfriend who isn't my boyfriend officially. Does that even make sense? I don't know. I don't have a job. I have no money. My step father is hunting me down, and worst of all, I lost my child. I can just imagine how beautiful Hannah would've been. How she would run around the house with me and Kaleb sitting on the couch. Playing dolls with her, play dates, first day of school, bed time stories and so much more. I was lucky enough to have a mother like mine to raise me like she did and all I wanted to do was pass that on to my child. But the opportunity has now vanished like a ghost who has been seen.

I just want to get out and get my mind off things. "Kaleb," I was cuddling with him on the couch.

"Yes, love?" He puts down his book to look at me.

"Can you take me to the book store?" I quickly came up with a place to go.

"Sure, but why?"

"I need to clear my head and books help me do that."

"But we have books here. In the office in the basement."

"But I wanna go to the book store," I gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Please."

He sighed. "Okay."

We drove up next to the book store and I started to get out.

"Wait, I didn't get my goodbye kiss," he said leaning towards me.

I smiled then gave him a kiss. I walked out to the book store and he drove away. I looked to the left, then to the right. I see a bar over to the left. Now that should really take my mind off things. I walk over there and go in. Then I saw the only face I didn't want see right now. Blake was over at the bar just sipping his Yuengling Beer. I sighed and went over to sit at the bar, but not near him. I acted like I didn't even see him. I decided not to order anything since I'm too young. Blake sees me then walks over.

"Is this what you're busy doing tonight?" He asked then held up the number two his fingers to the bartender.

"Oh, no. Plans got cancelled so I just came here."

The bartender gave me a bottle of Yuengling without asking for my I.D. I'm surprised. I took a drink of it. It was bitter, but I kept drinking. I felt light headed. Blake was starting to look really cute.

"Maybe I should get you home," he offered.

"No, no, I'm fine," I took one last big swig of the beer then slammed it on the bar counter. Apparently it doesn't take much for me to get drunk, or a little tipsy. Everything looked weird, out of place.

"You know," I looked over at Blake, trying to feel normal. "You're really cute."

"I should really take you home."

"You're not taking me anywhere. You like me right?"

"Um, yeah."

I was drunk. I didn't think of anything else to do, but kiss him. So I did. It was a long kiss. Blake put his hand on the back of my neck. I can tell that he's been waiting a long time for this.

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