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"Who is that guy?" Kaleb put his warm hand on my cheek.

"That's my-" I started to say, but I was interrupted.


The voice sounded so familiar. The sweet, charming voice of a young girl, but it sounds older than I remember. I turn around and I see the girl that has always been by my side. My little sister. She runs up and gives me a huge hug. Another tear falls down my cheek. The sweet scent of her filled my nose. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Right as I asked, I saw the bruises on her arm. She rolls her sleeves down to try to hide them. "Stop. How did that happen?"

She glanced over at our step dad. I clenched my fist, but I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder.

"Don't fight. It's not worth it," Kaleb's voice didn't soothe me like it usually did. 

"Maybe it's not worth it to you," I never looked back at him. I kept my harsh stare on my step dad. I started to walk towards him, but Kaleb pulled me back.

"Stop it, Jessica." I finally looked at him. "It isn't worth it. He could hurt you and our baby."

"Baby?" my little sister butted in. 

I sighed. "Yes, Hope. A baby. You're going to be an aunt," I tried to put on the best fake smile I could.

"You're having a baby?" my step dad walked up and made me jump. "Since when?"

"None of your business," I retorted.

His plain face turned angry. "Hope, we're leaving. Now."

She didn't move. Just like I taught her to do. Which is probably why she has the bruises.

"Hope," his voice was loud and firm. People on the street walking looked over to see what was happening. My step dad took a step towards her and I took a step in front of him.

"If you're going to hurt her, you go through me."

"Easy enough," he lifted his fist to punch me and I flinched, ready to feel a great deal of pain. My eyes were closed, but pain didn't come over me. I opened my eyes and Kaleb had his hand on my step dad's fist, holding him back. 

"If you're going to hurt either of them, you have to go through me first," his muscles were so clenched that his veins popped out on his arm. "Now, put your fist down before I call the police."

Kaleb let go of his fist slowly and my step dad put his fist down. I let out a sigh of relief. 

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