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The next day we were back at the hospital in the waiting room. My leg was jumping up and down. Kaleb's hand was on my back going back and forth, giving me comfort. My baby bump was disappearing. I sighed and Kaleb kissed me cheek. I forced a slight smile.

"Everything is going to be okay," he was trying to comfort me, but his voice proved that he was the one that needed to be comforted. "I promise."

The doctor walked over with a clipboard. I was so anxious to know the gender. Kaleb and I came up with names for each. If it's a girl, then her name will be Hannah. If it's a boy, his name will be Conner. "What's the news?" I finally asked.

"It was a girl," the doctor reported.

Hannah it is.

"Do you know what went wrong?" Kaleb asked.

"We've been running tests and we couldn't find what was wrong. She was a perfectly healthy baby."

The words of the doctor came into one ear and out the other. Only one question was on my mind, "Will I ever be able to get pregnant again?" I looked at the doctor straight in the eye and we never lost eye contact.

"It's unlikely."

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