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He just kept on coughing. He never stopped. He shivered under the blankets even though it felt like 100 degrees in the house. He isn't as moody anymore. Hallelujah. At this time he was trying to fall asleep. I got up to get a drink of water because I need to hydrate in this desert. I walk back over and his eyes were closed. I checked if he was breathing and he was. Finally he was asleep. I sat back into the chair and tried to fall asleep with him. Why can't that dream get out of my head? Will it actually happen? Probably not. I close my eyes to fall asleep.

The front door opened and a tall blonde girl walks in. I slowly open my eyes and also see Ms. Babson walk in. I look over at Kaleb and he was still asleep.

"You don't have to wake him. I'm used to him falling asleep when I'm home," the blonde girl said.

"Or crying," Ms. Babson added and laughed. The girl laughed as well. That must be his sister. How long have we been asleep?

"Welcome home, butt face," the muffled words came from Kaleb. He looked over at the girl and smiled.

"Aw, thanks, stupid," the girl replied.

Ms. Babson laughed. "How are you feeling, Kaleb?"

"Better. I think I just needed a nap," he sat up slowly.

I looked back and forth between Kaleb and the girl.

"Oh," the girl walked over to me and held her hand out. "I'm Riley."

I shake her hand, "Nice to meet you. I'm Jessica."

Riley smiles.

"I'll take your bags up to your room sweet heart," Ms. Babson offers.

"Oh, you don't have to, Mom. I can get it."

Ms. Babson picked up the bags. "I got it. Talk with your brother and Jessica," she walks upstairs.

"So, Kaleb," she sits down next to him. "Is this your girlfriend?"

"What? No. We're just friends."

"You sure about that? Mom told me all about you guys kissing and cuddling when she got home that one day."

"We're not dating," Kaleb gritted his teeth.

"Whatever you say, little bro," Riley laughed.

That night we were all eating dinner together. Everybody was getting along and chattering, except for me of course. I was just eating my food in silence as Riley told her stories about being a college student. I haven't been to school in months. It's my senior year. My mom always told me to always do my best all throughout high school. What would she say if she saw me like this? Not in school, and only focused on the guy of my dreams. Literally.

"What about you, Jessica?" Riley interrupted my thoughts.

I look up. "Huh?"

"Where do you want to go to college?" She asked.

"Um, I haven't really thought about it," I say, nudging my food around the plate with my fork.

"Really? Well then what do you want to be when you graduate?"

Why is she asking me so many questions? "Well, when I was a little girl, I always dreamed of being a famous singer. But that's just a little kid dream," I look down at my food again.

"It doesn't have to be," Kaleb came into the conversation. "I want to be a singer too. It's hard, yes, but I think you can make it there with your amazing voice."

I smile.

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