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I woke up to nothing. No delicious smell of French toast and no letter lay resting on my nightstand. I pushed the covers off of me and put my feet on the ground, almost stepping on my guitar. I can just imagine Kaleb saying, "You really shouldn't put your guitar there. It could break." Just like the first day we met.

I pick up my guitar and start playing One Call Away. I only hum the tune. I didn't want anyone hearing me. There was a knock at my door and I quickly put my guitar down.

"Come in."

Ms. Babson opens the door. "You should come downstairs."

"Um, okay," I'm probably going to get kicked out again.

I walk downstairs to see a whole bunch of decorations like it was someone's birthday.

"Walk this way," Ms. Babson pointed towards the living room.

I walked into the living room and Kaleb was standing there in a tuxedo. His hair was all nice and neat and he looked like he spent hours on his looks even though he looks perfect no matter what.

He smiled. That's something I didn't expect.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Kaleb came up to me and held my hands. "Jessica, I found you on a bench. When I took you to the hospital for your ankle, I couldn't take my eyes off of you because you're just so damn beautiful. I had no doubts that I wanted you to be mine. Now you are mine. And last night, you made me realize that I don't want you to be anybody else's. I want you to be mine forever."

I put my hand over my mouth as a tear climbed down my cheek. Kaleb got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The diamond sparkled in the sunlight.

"Jessica Hines, will you marry me?"

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