Chapter 2

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3rd person POV (a/n: sorry if I get some stuff wrong. I have limited info on creepypasta. Please tell me if I get something wrong!)

Slenderman had a few Creepypastas go to school in this "nice" neighborhood. "Ugh! Why do we have to go to school?! I was gonna play video games all day!" BEN wined. "You do that everyday. Doesn't it get boring?" Jane asked. "VIDEO GAMES ARE NEVER BORING!!" BEN Yelled. "Watch out! Its an angry elf!" Jeff said with a fake worried and scared voice. "SHUT UP! AT LEAST I'M NOT A REJECT JOKER!" BEN yelled. "CAN YOU BOTH SHUT UP! We're at the portal to the human realm." Jane said. Sally was bouncing happily.

"Oh yeah, this is your first mission in the human realm. Isn't it, Sally?" BEN asked before walking through the door. The portal turned them into their human forms. The little girl nodded quickly, holding her stuffed bear close. "Yes! And I'm so excited!!" Sally says happily. "Remember that we're on a mission. Slender wants us to find out who's the one that kidnapped that one girl." Jane said. "It seems stupid to me. We've heard about hundreds on kidnappings and just suddenly he cares about one?!" Jeff said angrily.

"That actually is weird. Maybe he could tell that its a new pasta." BEN said. Jane and Sally nod their heads. They walked to the end of the woods and where now able to see the neighborhood. Sally grabbed Jane's hand as the four walked around the neighborhood in the slightly cold weather. "At least be happy that its almost spring! Lucky us that we didn't have to start school at the beginning of fall!" Jane said. "That's true." Sally said.

The doors of a few houses opened to show some teenagers. They started walking to the bus stop, the pastas following. "Tch. I hate bus stops." Jeff said. "You hate everything." Jane snapped. Jeff just growled. Once a group of teenage boys walked up to the bus stop, talking about random things and being loud, the bus showed up. "Hey, ya new here?" The bus driver asked the pastas. Jane took the lead and talked to the bus driver while the others took a seat. "Alright, welcome to the town!" The bus driver said before closing the doors. Jane sat down next to Sally.

"Do you think that (y/n) will actually talk to someone other than that Leo kid?" A boy asked. "Nah, I highly doubt it! She's been at his side for the whole year! Unless someone's messing with him, she doesn't talk to anyone but him!" Another said. "Have to say though, that Leo kid is pretty luckily to have a girl with that body by his side all the time!" Another boy said. "Bro, so true! I've even seen (y/n) feed him before! Not only that but I've also seen her give him a back rub during lunch!" The first boy said. 

"If that Leo kid is smashing her then he has to be lucky as all hell!" The third boy said. "No way! I can't and won't believe that a super hot girl lost her virginity to a full on nerd! It does not work! If she would lose her innocence to anyone its me!" A boy said. "IN YOUR DREAMS!" A girl yelled from the back causing the teens in the bus to laugh.

A/n: another chapter!

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