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( I stole this idea from ViviT3115 because I really liked the idea. I'm sorry!)

Jared: So.  .  . Evan.

Evan: Yeah?

Jared: You know where Jay keeps her diary, right?

Evan: W-WHAT? N-No! O-Of c-course not!

Jared: Yessss you doooooo. She ususally takes it to school with her. But she didn't. So spill!

Evan: But! I might read it, but just because I don't ever tell anything I-

Jared: Please, Evan!

Evan: D-Do you even h-have a diary? You don't know how much pers-

Jared: I know! I swear, Evan. Everything I read will stay a secret.

Evan: *Sighs.* Fine. Follow me.

Jared: *Follows Evan to my room.*

Evan: *Opens a pastel music box that has a girl riding a unicorn in space. Inspirational phrases and quotes are elegantly written on it. There's a red journal that barely fits inside the box. He takes it out and hands it to Jared.*

Jared: *Opens the book. A piece of paper falls out.*

Evan: T-That's the musical quote of the day. She quotes a musical, writes it in the diary then explains why she chose it. She writes all of the quotes on one page. Like a diary summary.

Jared: *Reading.*  What was the quote of the day when she met me? *Flips through the pages.* "I don't believe I caught your name." "I didn't throw it"

Evan: I-I'm gonna leave b-before you break your promise o-or something. *Leaves*

Jared: . . . . "I met a dude today. The quote totally seems like something he'd say. Jared Kleinman. Idk how I feel about this dude." *Flips a page or two.* ""Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room, then you walked in and my heart went boom." I haven't been hating Jared quite as much usually. Once you get to know him, he's pretty nice." *He flips through more pages. Only reading the ones that have his name in them.*

Jared: Woah. This would be a couple days after our date thing. ""And I know, she'll be happy as his bride, and I know, he will never be satisfied, I will never be satisfied." Gosh. Imagine Velo saying this. Enough said. I found out she has a major crush on Jared. . . . I have that Con-

Me: What are you doing?!

Jared: Huh?! Nothing! *Throws the journal back in the music box.*

Me: Was that my diary?

Jared: No!

Me: . . . Whatever, Jared Weirdman.

Ask or Dare the Insanely Cool Jared KleinmanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin