The party

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Veronica: *Hands Jared the guest list.*

List: Ram Sweeny,
Kurt Kelly,
Jake Dillinger,
Rich Goranski,
Youngblood Dillinger,
Chole Valentine,
Brooke Lohst
Heather Chandler,
Heather Duke,
Heather McNamara,
Martha Dunstock,
Veronica Sawyer,
Jason Dean
Al Lewis, (He's an OC)
Connor Murphy
Velo Kleinman
Hercules Mulligan,
Evan Hansen,
Zoey Murphy,
Vivi Tesla

Jared: *Smirks.* Zoey Murphy, Evan Hansen and Vivi in the same place? Nice.


Jared: The party's going great. Hercules broke the pool table-

Heather D: That Jayden didn't even own. I brought it for her-

Heather M: Actually I bought it-

Heather D: Shoosh, Heather, it's not important!

Jared: Jake and Youngblood are following Rich around with waterbottles-

Jake: We had a party at my house once. H-He started a fire.

Rich: I won't this time!

Youngblood: We know, we're just being cautious.

Connor: Ya' know, if he sets a fire with gasoline, water won't help.

Youngblood: You're right. Possibly. . . JAYDEN DOESN'T HAVE A FIRE EXTINGUISHER, I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!

Al: *Knocks over book shelf.* . . . .I don't even know why I'm here! I live here!

Jared: Yeah. . . So why DO you live here?

Al:*Sips his drink.* I was homeless. I met Evan, he introduced me to Jay. I told her my story, and with the kindness of her heart, she offered me to live here.

Jared:. . . . . Anyways, the only thing that could make this night better. . . DRAMA THAT ENDS WITH DEATH.

Zoe: *Walks by.*

Jared: *Grabs her arm. Pulls out 20 dollars.* So. . .Can you do me a favor?

Zoe: *Rolls her eyes.* What?

Jared: *Points out Evan.* Go over there and talk to that boy. Touch him. Hold his hand, rub his shoulder, what ever- flirt with him. Please.

Zoe: *Takes the money.* Fine. *Starts walking towards him.*

Jared: His name's Evan!

Zoe: Hey, Evan~

Evan: Hi- Wait- h-how did you- n-nevermind, h-hey! Z-Zoe!

Zoe: Heh! You are sooo cute! *Holds his hand*

Evan: *Blushes.* T-Thanks?

Zoe: *Winks. She takes a step closer to Evan.* Any time, cu-

Vivi: *Has a pink baseball bat.* ZOEY MURPHY YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN! *Swings bat at Zoey. She misses and hits the wall instead, there's a hole in the wall now. Thanks Vivi.*

Zoe: Eep! What the h-

Vivi: *Swings again. Misses and hits the T.V. JARED, VIVI, YOU'RE PAYING FOR THAT-* STOP DODGING! *Swings again. She manages to hit her in the stomach.*

Everyone: *Yelling.* FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!

Jared: *Has popcorn.*

Youngblood: *Comes back. Drops the fire extinguisher.* VIVI NO! YOU CAN'T KILL MY soon to be SISTER IN-LAW!

Zoe: Wha-

Vivi: *Swings again. Softer.* But I want to!!

Youngblood: No! Drop it! *Sprays Vivi with water bottle.* Bad Vivi!

Vivi: *Drops bat.* Hissss! Stop that!

Jared: More stuff happened. Veronica puked in one of the only rooms thst had carpet. A couple messed up the only king sized bed in the house. Someone stole half of the silverware. JD painted a picture of him stabbing Ram to death. He painted it on the table. Rich DID set a fire. He set it in the bathroom. Youngblood and Jake didn't notice it until Martha pointed it out. They put it out. Then the cops came. *Laughs.* Heh. . . . . Jayden's gonna kill me.

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