Chapter 6

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Cuts P.O.V

I felt terrible after snapping at Horn. I didn't mean to be so harsh. I certainly didn't want to slam the knife on the cutting board I was using. But his calmness in the situation was comforting. He didn't make matters worse by snapping back. He certainly handled the situation better than I did.

I do want a child eventually. I would love to give a less fortunate child the love they so desperately deserve; the love my family never gave me.

I had talked about children for a couple days. That could be why Horn suddenly asked. I suppose I was unintentionally dropping him hints.

I would like a child, but now just isn't the time. I'm trying to get my career started and Horn is involved with all sorts of illegal stuff. We're going to have to wait a few years.

Things have been quiet around the apartment for the last few days. There's been no further fighting. Unfortunately, I broke down while Horn was at work and scratched several wounds on my arms until they were completely open. My streak is back to zero once again.

"We should go out somewhere," Horn says suddenly and completely out of the blue.

Neither of us are very social people, although, Horn is more social than I am. I don't like venturing into the outside world in fear of ridicule. People often stare at my countless scars. I'm insecure enough as it is.

"Why?" I ask cautiously.

"You've been cooped up in the apartment for days. You're starting to look paler than usual."

"Thanks," I reply sarcastically.

He opens the curtain to the window and the apartment is suddenly bathed in bright and blinding sunlight. I squint my eyes and shift so I'm not laying in the light. With all the problems with my skin, it should be obvious that I burn just from being in the sun for more than twenty minutes.

"You could use some vitamin D," he says while walking back to the bed.

"I swear if you make your stupid vitamin D joke I am never going to leave the apartment again," I say sternly, knowing all too well what he likes to say vitamin D stands for.

"You're no fun," he whines.

I roll my eyes and scrunch up my legs so they aren't in the light. I am a very pale person simply because I can't go in the sun without burning and because I am a ginger.

"You're practically a vampire," he says while pulling me into the light by my leg.

"I burn just by thinking about sunlight. Besides, if I was a vampire I would have to drink blood," I tell him.

"Smart ass."

"I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass," I say with a grin.

"Hey, that's my line," he says while pulling me up.

I snicker and run my fingers through his hair. "Looks like I beat you to it."

Horn bites his lip softly and chuckles. Going outside is obviously no longer on his mind. I know exactly what he wants to do and I'm not opposed to it. I think it's about time we had some passionate make-up sex.

He gently lays me on my back and perches himself over me, peppering my neck with kisses.

Horn leans in close to my ear after a moment. His warm breath tickles my ear lobe and I desperately want him to bite me. Unfortunately, I know he won't. I suppose it's probably good that he doesn't.

"Let's make a baby~," he whispers in a sensual voice.

I shiver and feel my skin perk up with goosebumps. Even though I'm on birth control to help with my dysphoria, the comment still flusters me. Horn always gets me flustered. Now I want him more than ever.

He takes my shirt off and kisses several scars on my chest. I smile as he does because he makes me feel more confident about my scars and my body. I love how much he cares and considers my feelings.

He unbuttons my jeans and slides them down my legs before tossing them somewhere on the floor. My boxers then join them. Also joining the gathering of clothes is Horn's hoodie, his jeans, and finally, his boxers.

He pulls my hips closer and causes a small sound of discomfort to leave my lips. He left some small bruises on my hips last time because my body is weak and he had a strong grip on me.

"Are you okay?" he asks softly, hearing my discomfort.

"Yeah, just ease up on my hips, okay? They're bruised from last time," I explain, moving his hands a tad higher on my body.

Horn apologizes and kisses me softly while being cautious about my hips. The last thing he wants to do is hurt me or cause me any pain.

I grunt softly as he pushes a good amount of his length into me. I can't help but tense up from feeling. I'm not exactly used to having sex.

"Relax," he says while kissing my lips gently.

I relax after a moment and tell him to move. He thrusts slowly at first before his pace begins to increase. I wrap my legs around his waist as he thrusts deeper into me as a reflex.

The sex is loving and passionate rather than rough and thoughtless. We had a rough night once when we both got drunk. It wasn't very enjoyable for either of us. This way also feels more meaningful.

We continue at a good rhythm before finally climaxing and riding out our orgasms. Afterwards, we cuddle and rest.

"We can go out tomorrow," Horn mumbles while trying to stifle a yawn.

"Okay," I say softly, laying my head against his shoulder.

I know I have to go out eventually. I can't always stay in the apartment. As much as I hate going outside, it's an unfortunate necessity.

The only reason I don't like going out is because of judgment. Perhaps things won't be that bad tomorrow. Horn usually makes sure people don't say anything to me. Maybe it'll be better than I expect. That would be a pleasant surprise.

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