Chapter 29

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Cuts P.O.V

Horn and I leave Dr. Ginnings office and head home after the appointment. He seems unusually quiet now. Granted, he might be trying to prevent himself from accidentally slipping up and telling me what our baby is.

Horn is normally pretty good with secrets, but I'm the person he tells everything to. Now he can't tell me something. It does feel strange to have him know something that I don't. However, I made my decision and I don't want to know.

We continue to drive in silence. There's an awkward tension in the air between us. I desperately want it to end, but I'm unsure of what to say.

"Are you sure you don't want to know?" Horn asks as we walk up to our apartment.

"I'm sure," I tell him while unlocking the door.

Before I can walk in, Horn snatches me back from the door. I'm not sure what he's doing until he says that he saw something in the apartment.

"Stay out here. I'll handle it," he says softly.

"We should call the police," I suggest while pulling him back.

"No, we shouldn't."

"Why not?" I ask in protest.

"Because there are certain things in the apartment that the police would not like finding," Horn explains.

His explanation is all too clear to me. Despite him telling me many times that he's no longer involved in the drug trade, he clearly is. I'm very disappointed.

I sigh and lean against the wall crossing my arms. "We'll have this conversation later. Go get rid of whoever that is," I snap, being irritated.

Horn told me that he wouldn't deal drugs anymore. Clearly, he lied. I'm very upset with him right now. Stories with drugs in them never end well. I don't want to lose Horn because of these stupid reasons.

I stand outside in the hall and wait for Horn to come back and tell me that everything is okay. My anxiety steadily rises; my heart begins to beat rapidly.

I haven't heard any sounds of struggle, yet I still have the feeling that something is wrong. If anything did happen, surely at least one of our neighbors would contact the police. We may not be their favorite neighbors, but we're tolerable.

Part of me wants to walk in and check on Horn, but I know he wouldn't like that. He specifically instructed me to remain outside until he was finished. I would be putting all of us at risk. It just isn't a smart idea and I must refrain from walking into any negative situations.

Minutes begin to feel like hours in the hall. I check my phone every thirty seconds to see the time. My anxiety is only rising. There have been no sounds of any kind from the apartment. While I may prefer it, the silence still frightens me.

Horn promised me he would stop selling drugs. He broke that promise. I was obviously never meant to find out, but when it comes to drugs, the story usually doesn't end too well.

All I wanted was for Horn to stop selling drugs and to get his habit of smoking marijuana under control. I didn't want anything bad to happen to either of us. Now, in this situation, it feels like my fears are starting to come true.

My curiosity is killing me at this point. Carefully, I press my ear against the door and attempt to listen to anything coming from the other side. Anything that will tell me what's going on.

From the door, I am able to hear two different voices. One, I'm certain, is Horn's. The other voice is unfamiliar to me. It must be the person Horn has been dealing drugs to.

"You owe us!" the unfamiliar voice snaps.

"I told you, I'm not selling anymore! I gave that up!" I hear Horn argue.

"Bullshit! Give us what we came for before we blow your fucking head off!"

My heart is racing now. Horn is involved with some very bad people. I can't do anything about that, but I don't want him to get hurt.

"I told you, I don't have anything left!" Horn argues.

All of the sudden, my heart stops. The loud bang of a gun firing is heard and a hole is blown through the door, only a few inches from where I've been listening. It causes me to stumble back and fall flat on my butt.

"Are you insane!? I have neighbors!" Horn yells.

Thank God he wasn't shot. I don't know what I would've done if he was. My heart is still racing, but it skipped a beat when I heard his voice.

"Give us what we came for or I won't miss next time!" the man yells.

He keeps saying "us," as if he isn't alone, but I never heard a third voice. It makes me worry that there is someone else in there with Horn. He might've been able to fight them off if they didn't have guns, but it's quite clear that they do. The last thing Horn should attempt is to fight off two armed men.

I crawl back from the door and get up. The lobby of our apartment building is probably the safest place to be right now.

I quickly push the button for the elevator and wait for it to open. I don't take my eyes off our apartment. The elevator doors open and I back into the small space, breathing out a sigh of relief.

The doors close slowly and I begin to have a strange feeling. It's like I'm not alone. I try to turn around to see if anyone is in here with me, but someone grabs my throat from behind.

My first reaction is to struggle, but after a few moments, I already know that this man is much stronger than I am. There is no way that I'll be able to escape his hold this way.

He shoves me against the wall of the elevator and holds me there, getting uncomfortably close.

"Aren't you a cute little thing~," he purrs close to my ear, making me cringe.

My entire body tells me to scream as he touches me, but I know how that ends. I can't risk being killed.

I try to struggle instead, but the only result of that is me getting slammed against the wall. He continues to feel me in inappropriate places. I finally can't take it any longer and I scream.

The man slams me against the wall again as an attempt to silence me, but I refuse. It probably isn't the smartest thing I can do, but it's the only thing I can think of.

He growls and throws me down in the corner. I smash my head against the railing and hiss in pain.

"Shut the fuck up," he snaps.

"Fuck you!" I scream.

The man pulls me up by the hair and holds a knife to my throat. Now it's clear that I really don't have a way out of this.

"Say that again and see what happens."

"Fuck you," I hiss.

It quickly occurs to me that I shouldn't have done that, but it was too late. The knife entered my body quickly and painfully and there was no stopping it.

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