Chapter 19

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Horn P.O.V

When I wake up I am surprised to be on the couch. I must have fallen asleep before I could get to bed. I get up and stretch out my aching joints. Sleeping on the couch never exactly felt good.

To my surprise, Cuts isn't in bed either. My eyes wander the apartment before seeing that the bathroom door is closed. A moment later I hear the faint sounds of vomiting. Cuts must be having morning sickness.

Unfortunately, the door is locked. I would've gladly sat with Cuts until his stomach settled. He doesn't have to go through this alone. I want to be there for him.

After about ten minutes, Cuts opens the door and walks out. He seems miserable as he shuffles to bed and lays down.

"You okay?" I ask while sitting on the edge of the bed.

Cuts pulls a blanket over his body and sighs. "I feel awful."

"Do you want me to call in sick so I can stay?"

"You and I both know that you used all your sick days already," he says.

Cuts is right. I have used all my sick days. I used them when we thought he was only sick. We didn't know he was pregnant. He told me not to use them then, but I didn't listen.

"But I don't want to leave you alone when you don't feel good," I object.

He waves me off. "Go to work, Babe, I'll be fine," he says softly.

"Fine," I say softly, "but call me if you need anything, okay? I'm working overtime tonight."

I stand up from the bed and get dressed. As much as I don't want to go to work, I know that I need to. We need the money and I can't afford to avoid work, especially when I agreed to work overtime.

"I'll be home late, okay?"

"Okay. I love you," he replies softly.

"I love you too," I say while kissing his forehead.

He smiles and curls up under the covers. I grab my phone and then I'm out the door. I would much rather stay home with Cuts. I can't wait to quit this job and start on something that I will actually enjoy.

Currently, I'm working at a local supermarket. It's not a bad job, the pay is actually fairly decent. The thing I don't like about the job is the people I have to be around.

A lot of high schoolers work at the supermarket. For whatever reason, a lot of them just don't have common sense. It gets a little irritating when nearly everything they do has to be redone so it's actually done correctly.

My boss is another problem. He's not very respectful. I myself consider him to be blatantly homophobic. He doesn't have a filter. He causes a lot of problems in the work environment and he also doesn't particularly like me.

"Ollie," he says as I walk in, using a variation of my legal name to get my attention.

"Yes, Sir?" I ask, trying my best to sound as though I care what he wants.

"You're late," he snaps.

"Sorry, Sir, my fiancé was sick this morning," I tell him.

"I don't care if she's sick with the damn bubonic plague, it's your responsibility to be here on time," he snaps with a harsh tone.

I have to bite my tongue to not snap at this small angry man. I've got a good two feet on him when it comes to height.

"Well, Sir, if he did have the bubonic plague I wouldn't be here," I snap while walking away.

He mutters several slurs under his breath. It takes a very high level of self-control for me to keep walking away instead of turning around and giving him a piece of my mind. If he wasn't my boss I'd tear him a new one.

Unfortunately, I talk myself out of it and get straight to work. I restock shelves, take inventory, and when other people are busy, I run the checkout line. I personally prefer to do more of the behind the scenes work. People just aren't really my thing.

At the moment, I am running the checkout line. I don't bother making actual conversation with customers. Socializing just isn't something that I like to do very much.

I slide the groceries across the scanner and bag them quickly.

"Not even going to say 'Hi' to me?" a familiar voice asks.

I quickly look up and see Cuts in front of me. He smiles and leans over the small ledge.

"Hey," I say with a bit of a surprised tone, "what are you doing here?"

"We were out of milk," he says, "and I wanted to see you."

I glance back to see my boss glaring at me from a good twenty feet away. I look back and bag the groceries quickly. Cuts looks past me directly at my boss and doesn't look happy.

"Did he say something to you?" he asks softly.

"Nothing I couldn't take, Babe. Just the usual slurs and comments," I tell him.

Cuts obviously doesn't like my answer because his scowl towards my boss only worsens. He pulls me into an unexpected kiss right in front of my homophobic boss.

"I'll see you at home, okay?"

I clear my throat and nod. Normally Cuts isn't so gutsy in public. He normally is the one to shy away.

"I love you," he says happily.

"I love you too," I say as he starts walking away.

My boss glares at me and points to his office. I sigh and shut off the service light for my lane before walking to his office. I know that I'm in for it now.

I sit down in the only available chair in his office and cringe when he slams the door closed.

"What the hell was that?" he snaps.

"That was my fiancé," I reply with a calm tone.

His glare is cold as ice when he stares at me. He truly does hate me. I try my very best to be a good employee but to no avail. His opinion of me will not be changed.

"I don't care who it was, no more of that faggot bull-shit in here. I have a respectable market and I will not have it tainted by your sin," he says.

It's hard to believe some of the stuff that people say about being gay. The fact that he calls me sinful or a faggot is beyond ridiculous.

I stand up and throw my apron on his desk. "I'm not going to change who I am for your 'respectable business' and if you don't like that then I guess I don't work for you anymore."

And with that, I leave his office without another word. The timing isn't the greatest, but I'm happy to rid myself of that horrid job.

Thin Skinned [Boy x Boy]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن