Chapter 18

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Horn P.O.V

When I arrive home I am surprised to see Cuts sleeping on the couch. He must have dozed off while waiting for me. He truly is adorable in just about every way.

I smile and kiss his forehead gently. A small grin forms on his face and he hugs his pillow just a bit tighter than before. He's so cute.

I decide to take a quick shower while Cuts sleeps. A hot shower feels nice after a long day. I really dislike my job. It's rather boring when I have to do the same thing every day.

I tried going to college. School was never the right thing for me. I ended up with an Associate's degree in arts and then left the college route.

Sketching and drawing have always been ways for me to express myself. Every day I would have sleeves of Sharpie when I came home from school. They got a lot of attention. I did Sharpie because it wasn't permanent and I could change it every day.

I would like a different job. I would love to do something that involved art. That would be a dream come true. Drawing and sketching don't exactly make a lot of money. Although, tattoos are expensive, and I have always enjoyed drawing on skin. Perhaps I could become a tattoo artist.

The thought had crossed my mind many times. I would like to have a job that allows me to be creative. A tattoo artist might be just the job for me.

After I finish washing up, I dry off with a towel and throw on a T-shirt and boxers. It's getting late and I know that I won't be going anywhere else. I don't bother with wearing an actual outfit.

Cuts is awake when I get to the living room. He must have just woken up because he's still rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Hey, sleepyhead," I say while sitting next to him.

"Hey," he says through a yawn, "when did you get home?"

"About an hour ago. You were asleep so I went ahead and just took a shower," I tell him.

He hums softly and lays his head on my shoulder. I smile and lean my head on his.

"I want to be a writer," he says suddenly.


Writing never suited me. I never came up with anything good enough to read and my writer's block is terrible. If Cuts can do it then he should go for it. I think he would be great at it.

"Yeah, I can work from home and I won't have to be around people," he explains.

"That sounds perfect for you," I say with a teasing tone.

He laughs softly and smiles. He always looks so cute when he smiles. I never want him to stop.

"I want to be a tattoo artist," I tell him.

"Really?" he asks softly.

"You know I hate my job. Besides, tattoo artists make good commission and I'd be able to do something creative with my life."

Cuts shrugs. "If you want to do it, go for it. Just know that you're not giving me any tattoos."

I laugh softly and ruffle his hair. He huffs softly and fixes his hair back into place.

"I know you don't want tattoos," I say.

"It's not that I don't want tattoos, it's that I can't have them. The needles could rip right through my skin and cause a horrible infection. I don't want that," he reminds me.

Cuts' skin is very thin. He couldn't have tattoos even if he wanted to. The infection risk is especially high with him just with his skin, not to mention his weak immune system.

"I won't give you any tattoos, don't worry."

He smiles and kisses my cheek. "If I could have tattoos I would only let you tattoo me," he says softly.

It means a lot that Cuts would let me tattoo him if he could have them. It shows a level of love and trust. I would love to be able to work on him once I start tattooing people, but I can't.

"That's sweet, Babe," I say before kissing him gently.

Cuts smiles and hugs my neck. I pull him onto my lap and hold him close. He laughs softly and lays his head in the crook of my neck.

"Do you think we'll be good parents?" he asks softly, catching me by surprise.

"I don't think we'll be perfect, no. Every parent makes mistakes, but we'll learn from our mistakes and make ourselves better. We'll be the best parents we can be," I tell him, being completely honest with my reply.

He smiles and sighs softly. "You always know what to say."

"Because I know you the best and I know how to reassure you that everything will be okay," I tell him.

Cuts kisses my jawline softly and makes me smile. I love him so much. I've never loved anyone more. I can't picture my life without Cuts being in it.

"I love you," he says softly.

"I love you too."

After a while of laying together, Cuts falls asleep in my arms. I smile and carry him to bed. He hardly shifts at all when I carry him. He isn't one to move a lot in his sleep.

I lay him down in bed and pull a light blanket over him. He smiles in his sleep and continues to sleep peacefully. I leave him to sleep and go back to the couch.

I'm not particularly tired at the moment. I check my phone for any notifications and see a text from my boss. I open it to see that he's asking me to work overtime tomorrow. For the circumstances, getting some overtime could be beneficial.

I normally let Cuts know when I decide to work longer but since he's asleep I decide to take the opportunity. I'll let him know in the morning. As much as I hate my job, we could definitely use the extra money right now. No matter what, we'll make things work.

Thin Skinned [Boy x Boy]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant