Chapter 14

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Cuts P.O.V

I'm glad that Horn and I have made up for the most part. Obviously, this is a bit more complicated than a normal fight. Hopefully, we'll be able to put this behind us.

"You're going to have to give up pot," I say while hugging his neck.

"I know," he mumbles.

I kiss his cheek and make him smile. "It's only for the next eighteen years or so."

He laughs softly and smiles. I'm glad to see him smile after what is most likely one of the worst fights we will ever have. It makes me smile.

Horn pulls me close to him and kisses my neck gently. The heat on my cheeks steadily rises and I smile. It's obvious what's on his mind.

"Can we make up now~?" he asks in a soft tone near my ear.

I wish he would bite me, but that's too risky. I do not want to go back to the hospital for another bite infection. I especially don't want to go while I'm pregnant. That could have some horrible consequences.

Horn snakes his arms around my waist and carries me to bed. He lays me down gently. Before I know it, all of our clothes are on the floor. He's quite sneaky with his actions.

He kisses down my neck and goes all the way down to my shoulders. I feel his hands trace down my body until he reaches my hips. I shiver from the feeling and bite my lip softly.

Horn lifts my hips so they are angled correctly and slowly begins to enter me. He's being as gentle as he can be. Normally he isn't this gentle. It doesn't take me very long to adjust. I practically beg him to move.

Horn thrusts at a slow pace before beginning to gain speed. A soft moan escapes my lips as he does so. He craves my sounds of pleasure. I know he does. His thrusts grow longer and deeper rather than shorter and rougher. This is passionate.

Horn thrusts deep inside of me, searching for that one special spot that will make my entire body jolt with pleasure. My limbs tremble when he finds it and I let out a loud moan. He smirks, knowing he's successfully found my g-spot.

I moan loudly as he attacks that same spot with his thrusts. My entire body feels like it's shaking. The pleasure is too intense. I feel myself getting closer and closer to an orgasm with each thrust.

I manage to hold myself back for a while as Horn keeps an amazingly pleasurable rhythm. I feel overly sensitive today. Eventually, I can no longer hold out and I end up climaxing.

Horn smirks and thrusts several more times before climaxing himself. I moan loudly and arch my back slightly while digging my nails into the sheets. He removes himself from me slowly and lays down beside me for a few moments before sitting up.

I begin to catch my breath as Horn gets out of bed. He kisses the top of my head and smiles.

"I'll run a bath," he says softly.

I smile and sit up slowly. A bath sounds very nice at the moment. I'd like to get cleaned up. 

Horn comes back and scoops me up in his arms. I hug his neck as he carries me to the bathroom. He sets me on my feet but keeps a hold on my waist so I remain steady.

"Thank you, Honey," I say while kissing his cheek.

He smiles and ruffles my hair. I huff softly but still crack a small smile. Horn makes me happy and always knows just how to do it, no matter the situation.

"No problem," he says while leaving the room.

I ease myself into the bathtub and sigh softly. The water is cold so it won't cause any further damage to my skin. My body is coming down from its pleasure-filled high. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a warm bath. Unfortunately, my skin is simply too sensitive.

I run my fingers through my hair and let out a deep sigh. The last few days have been very stressful. I'm finally beginning to relax.

I've had enough stress to last me for quite a while. As of now, I need to keep my stress to a minimum. The last thing I want to do is add complications to my already high-risk pregnancy.

I want this to go as well as it possibly can. Obviously, this won't be easy by any means, but I can make it easier on myself by relaxing and taking care of my body. That is the best thing I can do.

I clean myself thoroughly before getting out of the tub and wrapping up in a towel. I drain the water from the tub and walk out of the bathroom.

I smile to myself when I see that Horn is asleep in the bed. He always looks so cute when he sleeps. Plus it's the one time when he can't deny that he's cute.

I grab some clean clothes from my side of the closet and throw them on. Soon, I won't be able to fit into most of my clothes. I suppose it's sad, but I consider it to be worth it in the end. I'll lose the weight fairly quickly. I've never been able to keep weight on for very long.

I hang up my towel to dry before returning to bed. Horn is asleep yet somehow feels my presence in the bed. He pulls me close and holds me in his arms.

"I love you," he mumbles in his sleep.

"I love you too," I say with a smile.

It's cute that even when he sleeps he tells me that he loves me. I love him so much. I've never loved anyone more. I can't wait for us to have a family. I know we can't be perfect, but we'll do our best.

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