Chapter 33

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Horn P.O.V

Cuts is about thirty-two weeks pregnant. It's crazy to think that in about eight weeks, we'll be parents. The feeling is surreal.

Things are going well at my job. Clients are now requesting my work. On a good day, I give anywhere from five to eight tattoos.

The artists and I are close now. I've become a part of their family. I'm grateful to be involved with such a close clique. It almost reminds me of my high school days.

Cuts doesn't particularly like when I stay out late. He prefers that I come home after my shift since I do work rather late most nights. He wants to spend a bit of time with me before we both end up falling asleep. Some nights, however, I do stay after work to socialize.

Most of the time, one of the artists brings a few packs of beer and we all have a laugh in the back of the shop. Needless to say, there have been plenty of drunk tattoos given. Luckily, I haven't gotten one yet.

"Come on, Horn. Stay for a few minutes. Please?" Sydney whines as I begin to clean up my station.

"I really shouldn't," I tell her as I put away my unused ink.

"Please? A couple drinks won't hurt. Half an hour," she practically begs.

I sigh softly and give in to her pleads. Thirty minutes of social time and then I'm going home. Surely Cuts won't mind.

Kit sets a twelve-pack on the counter and everyone takes a beer. Personally, beer isn't my favorite, but I'll drink it if nothing else is available.

We all talk about how our day has been and how things are going at home. Sydney is the only one not to share, which seems a bit odd. I've never heard her talk about her life outside of work. I'm not sure that anyone has.

"How about you, Sydney?" I ask in an attempt to bring her into the conversation.

She stops laughing with the other artists and takes a long swallow of beer. The room quickly goes quiet. It's as if everyone is curious.

"It's the same as any other day," she says after a moment, her voice trailing off.

Her answer doesn't settle quite right with me. I have that itching feeling that something's wrong and she doesn't want anyone to know. I want to pry but I end up letting it slide.

Once it's been half an hour, I say my goodbyes and head out. I begin to walk home before hearing frantic footsteps behind me. When I turn around, Sydney has just caught up to me.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing." She catches her breath. "I just wanted to get away from that sausage fest."

It never occurred to me, but Sydney is the only female artist. I suppose I never noticed because there are usually other women in the shop getting tattoos. Other than that, she's the only woman.


The smell of booze is strong on her breath. She's clearly had quite a few beers tonight. Based on memory, I'd say she's had upwards of four cans of beer.

"Thank you," she says softly.

"For what?" I ask in confusion.

"For caring about my day." She bites one of her fingernails. "You're the only one who bothered to ask."

"You don't have to thank me for that," I tell her.

She shrugs and pulls the sleeves of her hoodie down. The night has quickly grown cold.

"It's nice that you care."

We continue to walk towards my apartment building. I'm not sure whether or not Sydney lives in the area or if she's just following me. In all honesty, I don't know that much about her.

I stop walking when I reach the front of my building. Sydney stops as well.

"This is my building," I say while shoving my hands into my pockets to keep them warm.

Suddenly, without warning, I feel Sydney's lips crash onto mine. All I can taste is cheap cherry lip balm. I can say with one-hundred percent confidence that I enjoy this in no way, shape or form.

I hastily push Sydney off of me. She looks shocked as if I've done something wrong.

"What's wrong? Don't you like me?" she asks, coming closer and trying to kiss me again.

I quickly move out of her reach. "I do like you, just not in that way."

Her expression quickly changes as she backs away. "Why not?"

"Because I'm gay and engaged," I answer bluntly.

Sydney looks shocked. I've talked about Cuts at work before. The alcohol must have made it slip her mind.

She turns and quickly runs up the street, most likely in shame from being rejected by a gay guy. I can't imagine that it feels good.

I sigh and head up to the apartment in silence. I'm unsure on whether or not I should tell Cuts about what happened. I know he won't be happy about it. With his hormones, he might try to hunt Sydney down.

I enter the apartment quietly. Cuts is already asleep. I can tell because all the lights in the apartment are off.

Since Cuts is already asleep, I decide to simply join him in slumber. I lay next to him carefully and sigh softly.

"You're late," Cuts mumbles softly, turning to face me.

"I'm sorry, I stayed after work," I apologize, pulling him close.

He quickly pushes me away and turns his back to me. I don't know what I've done in the five minutes I've been home.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Why don't you go clean the whore makeup off your face," he snaps.

I quickly get up and head to the bathroom. Surely enough, Sydney's signature bright red lipstick is smeared all over my lips. Even in the dark, it's visible.

I quickly wash my face and sigh. Explaining the bright red lipstick on my face won't be easy at all. Knowing Cuts, he won't believe me. I'll probably be sleeping on the couch tonight.

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