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One week later...

The storm was a ruthless one.

A small hunting party of Sliver Corps soldiers trudged through the thick snow on their horses. There was about six of them, a torch in each of their hands, the bright flames illuminating the snowy landscape. Strong blowing wind and snow shot through the air.

Among this group of six soldiers was Mikasa Ackerman. She pulled her scarf closer to her face, her raven black hair blowing in the wind. Her horse slowly plowed through the snow, cold air coming from its large nostrils.

They small group was sent out in search of food. Ever since the storm blew in a few days ago, the Sliver Corps Clan had no choice but to stay in their ice cave headquarters. Due to that, however, the food rations have been slowly depleting. They had to find food- and fast.

"Dammit" a voice next to her muttered.

On a hazel-colored horse beside her was Eren Yeager, another soldier and Mikasa's adoptive brother. Her parents were murdered by slave traders when she was nine, and she was almost captured, but luckily Eren came and saved her. After the three men were killed by Eren and Mikasa, the Yeager family took the black haired girl in to live with them. Mikasa loved Eren, as a friend and brother, even though he had a tendency to be stubborn and hotheaded.

Eren had an arm wrapped around himself, his whole body shaking from the cold. Mikasa was surprised he was even able to hold his torch upright.

"W-We're never gonna find food in this storm. We might as well turn back" he grumbled.

"Keep it down, Eren" Mikasa whispered. "The captain will hear you."

They both looked up at their captain, Levi Ackerman. He was put in charge of this hunting party (as much as he didn't want to). Even though he was short in statue, he wasn't to be messed with. He was known as 'Humanity's Strongest Soldier', and his Werewolf kill count certainly held up that title.   

Eren spat a little."Like I give a damn. I'm just stating the obvious, Mikasa. And even if we do find something, it'll freeze before we even get back."

Mikasa "hmmed." He did have a point there. Frankly, she was surprised that the horses haven't frozen to death yet. 

Suddenly, she saw Levi raise his hand, telling them to halt the horses. They stopped. Levi looked around, as if he was searching for something around them.

"Alright, everyone" he said in his normal cold voice. "We're never going to find anything at this rate. I want everyone to split into pairs and scout the terrain. If you find anything, bring it back here and light a smoke signal."

"But, captain!" Eren exclaimed. "There's nothing but snow and rocks out here! We might as well turn back!"

"We can't do that, Yeager" Levi growled. "We're running out of food as it is. If we go back with nothing, we'll all starve. Do you want that?"

Eren frowned, his eyes moving to the ground. "No"

"That's what I thought. Mikasa, I want you to watch over him. Make sure he doesn't do something stupid."

"Yes, sir" Mikasa replied. Eren muttered a swear under his breath.

"As I was saying, if you find something, bring it back here and light some smoke. Move out."

"Yes, sir!" the five other soldiers exclaimed, saluting. They all then rode in separate directions.


"You see anything yet, Mikasa?"

"No. Not yet."

Over an hour passed since the small hunting party split up. Eren and Mikasa managed to find their way into a small forest, yet they still haven't found a thing. All the trees around them were dead, their thin branches blowing in the wind. Both their torches provided some light, but it was still very difficult to see the land around them.

"This is bullshit!" Eren yelled. "We're never gonna find anything in this storm! Plus, it's fucking freezing!"

"Quit whining, Eren" Mikasa said to him. "We're not going to find anything if you keeping yelling."

"Yeah, like there's anything to scare away!" Eren spat sarcastically. "That's it. I'm going back."

He was just about to turn his horse around when Mikasa grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.

"Stop acting like a child, Eren. We don't stop looking until we see smoke. Follow orders."

"No! I'm not following these stupid orders! We're gonna die out here if we stay any longer!"

"And were also gonna die if we don't find any food!"

Eren shot her an angry glare. He shoved her hand off his shoulder, and turned his horse around.

"Find fucking food by yourself then! I'm heading back!"

"Eren, wait-" Mikasa cried, but was interrupted when the ground shifting beneath her. Before she could comprehend what was happening, her horse let out a strangled cry, and the snowy ground collapsed beneath her. It was only later she realized that she was no longer on her horse, and was falling off a massive cliff.

"MIKASA!" she heard Eren's voice roar, and then she saw him above her, reaching his arm out. But it was no use. She was too far down the cliff for him to reach. Cold air whipped swiftly passed her face as she continued to soar down the massive cliff. She felt dizzy. 

Is this the end? Is this where I die? she thought. Mikasa then shut her eyes, waiting for the impact of the ground to hit her right in the back, snapping her spinal cord like a toothpick. Suddenly, she it something with a loud THUD! She opened her mouth to scream, but only a small squeak escaped her lips. She then realized he landed on a large pile of snow, and that had broken her fall.

But just when she thought it was over, she heard a thundering VROOM sound, and she instantly knew what that meant.

An avalanche.

Mikasa saw the wave of snow coming right at her, like a predator running straight at it's prey. She scrambled to get out of the massive pile of snow she was in, but it was no use. Her legs felt numb and her back hurt like hell. The snow from the avalanche then slammed into her.

It was like getting hit by a freight train. Pain shot through Mikasa's body like a thousand knives all stabbing her at once. She tried to scream again, but nothing came out. The snow twisted her body like an elastic band. She couldn't see a thing, only white. Her whole body then felt numb. But that ended when she heard a loud SNAP! She finally managed to cry out. That was a bone; she didn't know which one it was. Her arm, her leg? Maybe her rib cage? She wasn't sure. Mikasa couldn't take it anymore. The snow finally reached her head, and she was out like a light. Her delicate body continued to roll with the snow.


Mikasa's eyes opened slightly. She was laying on the cold ground, her head resting on the snow. She couldn't feel a thing. Her eyelashes her covered in ice flakes, her face almost white from the cold. She groaned and tried to move to her side. Bad idea. She let out choked cry. Her whole body felt like it was on fire, despite it being so freezing. She managed to move her eyes downward, towards her leg. Her ankle wasn't where it should be, the limb completely mangled. And yet, despite all the pain, only one thing kept racing through her mind:


Mikasa turned her head to the side, and notice something coming towards her. It was a tall shadow of what looked like an animal, yet she couldn't tell. It kept moving closer and closer, until she saw a pair of eyes staring down at her. They were light blue, almost seemed to be...glowing. With all strength she had left, Mikasa reached out her hand towards the shadow.

"P-Please......h..elp m-e."

Those crystal blue eyes continued to stare down at her, and the whole world around her went black once again.

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя