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"Annie, wake up! Please wake up!

The blonde awoke to someone shaking her whole body violently. She snapped open her eyes, and saw Mikasa just a few inches from her face. She looked panicked, scared even.

"M-Mikasa? Hey.....what's going on?"

"The soldiers...they're here. We need to move, now!"

Annie gasped, her senses kicking into high gear. She sat up, as she felt Mikasa's hand latch around hers strongly.

"When did they get here?" she asked the ravenette.

"This morning. I heard noises outside so I went to check.....there's about a dozen out there. They've started asking the townspeople questions" Mikasa explained, trying her best to keep her voice from cracking.

"Where's Ymir and Historia?"

Then, as if on cue, the door opened and in rushed the two girls. Ymir looked tired and was panting, as if she had just finished running a marathon.

"I counted about eight" she breathed out. "Each with a lot of weapons. We need to go, now."

"But where?" Historia pleaded. "There's no where else to go!"

"We'll think of something" Annie said, joining in on the conversation. "All that matters is getting out of here alive."

"Right" Ymir nodded. "There's no one near the back; we can sneak out though the exit."

The other three nodded. They then quickly yet quietly rushed outside the door and into the hall, making their way towards the flight of stairs. Mikasa tightened her grip on Annie's hand as they walked down the stairs.

"Stay close" the blonde reassured her. "It'll be okay."

Mikasa swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded. She felt Annie squeeze her hand back, which instantly calmed her nerves.

Once they reached the bottom of the stairs, the four girls quietly made their way across the lobby. It was completely empty; most likely everyone had been called outside.

"This way" Ymir directed them, holding tightly onto Historia's hand. They walked carefully towards the back of the building, crouching low to the ground in an effort to stay hidden. While sneaking, Annie couldn't help but listen at the commotion coming from outside. It sounded like yelling, mostly by what sounded like men. But what shocked her more was that she heard a child crying.

"What the hell's going on out there?" she whispered.

"Let's not wait to find out" Ymir urged. "Come on. We're almost there."

After was seemed like forever, they finally reached the back door. Ymir slowly turned the knob and opened the door, the cold wind rushing past their faces. They walked outside, still crouching and trying to be as quiet as possible, even though that proved to be hard due to the large amount of snow.

Suddenly, Ymir spotted a guard standing outside the building next door.

"Back up!" she whisper-yelled, raising her hand up.

"What is it?" Mikasa whispered.

Ymir turned her head the other way, and just to their luck, there was another guard.

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