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Thirty minutes earlier...

A Royal Guard sat at a table by himself, rearranging a deck of cards his friends had played with a few minutes ago. He had trouble focusing, however, because the wolf prisoner he was assigned to watch was howling for the past 20 minutes. You heard that right, howling. Annie, who had shifted into her wolf form, had decided that the best thing to do while locked in a cage is to annoy the shit out of the guard. No surprise; she was succeeding.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" he yelled, hitting his fist against the table. "Make another sound and I'll turn you into a fur coat!"

Annie stopped, letting out a low growl before turning back into a human. The blonde figured she had annoyed him enough. She lay on her back with her hand under her head, looking up at what she could see of the cave ceiling through the bars. Her face was still throbbing from the other day, but the bleeding finally stopped. She checked her stomach, just to make sure the wound was still stitched together. She sighed in relief when it was.

Mikasa. She had been the only thing on Annie's mind through this whole endeavor. She pondered if she was okay, or more extremely, still alive.

Those bastards better not lay a finger on her, she growled internally. If they do, I'll...

The thought of Mikasa getting hurt or killed because of her made her heart hurt. She should've left sooner. If she had, Mikasa would be safe. She wouldn't have to fear whether or not her own people may kill her. She wouldn't have been branded as a traitor.

It's all my fault. Everyone I care about gets hurt. It's because of me.

"And because of that, Annie, I trust you. Completely and wholeheartedly"

Every time Annie replayed those words in her read, she felt her heart skip a beat. She had to be completely honest with herself; whenever she saw Mikasa, heard her speak, talked to her. Hell, even when she hears the ravenette's name, she is filled with a feeling that she can't explain. A deep feeling that made her palms sweaty and heart beat faster; despite all her thinking, she couldn't identify what this feeling was. It confused her.

The sound of new footsteps entered the cave. Annie turned her head and saw a familiar face walk in; Armin Arlert, was it? The blonde made his way over to the table. The guard didn't notice him at first, since he was too focused on the deck.

"Excuse me, sir?" his small voice filled the room. Annie noticed the bruise on the boy's cheek, along with the nervousness spread across his face.

The guard looked up, once again frustrated from being interrupted yet again. "What do you want, boy?" he snarled.

"I'm scheduled to watch the prisoner next. You're free to leave now" Armin said.

The guard got up and walked over to the blonde, who was almost an entire foot shorter than him. He glared suspiciously.

"I didn't get any order on that."

"It's a new order, from the General. Here."

Armin handed the man a slip of paper. The taller man looked over it, letting out a huff in the process.

"Are you sure you can handle this, kid?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. Don't worry."

"You sure you wanna miss the Ackerman's trial? I heard it's on in a couple minutes."

Annie jerked her head up. The Ackerman's trial? What the hell does that mean?

"I-I'd rather not, sir. I'm not good with blood" Armin lied.

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum