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Mikasa woke up to the feeling of something thumping against her her thigh. Her eyes opened slowly, and was greeted with the sight of the head of a Werewolf just to her right. She smiled. Running her fingers through the white fur again, she sat up and yawned. She heard Annie huff beside her, her ears slightly flicking in the process. Her tail moved up and down restlessly, right around Mikasa's thighs and torso. She giggled to herself.

The pair had slept through the rest of the afternoon, right into the next day. Mikasa looked over and saw the sun beginning to seep through the broken windows. One of the beams of light shined right into the wolf's eyes, causing her to wake abruptly. Her eyes met Mikasa's.

Good morning, she yawned, as she scratched behind her ears with her back legs.

"Morning" replied Mikasa.

How did you sleep?

"Good. In fact, I haven't slept this well in a while" Mikasa got up, stretching out her arms.

Annie quickly shifted. "I had a feeling. I could tell by the way you were snoring."

"What?" Mikasa asked, her face beginning to turn red from growing embarrassment.

"You snore. And don't be embarrassed; it's quiet and soft. Kind of reminds me of a pup's snore."

"Uh...thank you?" Mikasa cocked a brow. "How did you even hear me anyway? Didn't you fall asleep?"

"I did, but I kept waking up occasionally." Annie scratched her earlobe.

"Did you hear anything?"

"Not much. Just the house settling in, and a couple birds."


Mikasa then asked, "Hey, Annie?"


"Are there some humans who live in the North?"

"I have seen a few, but not many." the blonde explained. "Why?"

"I just find it odd I found this cabin in the first place" Mikasa replied.

Now that she thought about it, Annie found it rather weird as well; such a big place, maybe even a fancy place at one point, that was clearly built for humans, smack dab in the middle of the North; a place meant for the creatures who can handle such cold temperatures. It was mind boggling.

"Hey, are you hungry?" Annie changed the subject.

"A little."

The blonde stood up. "I'll go catch us some breakfast. I'll be back in a few minutes."

She walked towards the door, when Mikasa's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Wait, Annie."


"Be careful.....p-please."

Annie snapped her a small smile. She didn't say anything; instead, she walked over to the kitchen and picked up a blanket she had noticed. She went over to Mikasa, and draped the blanket over her shoulders. It was easy for her to notice that the black haired girl was still cold; her body was still slightly vibrating.

"I will. Promise."

She then walked out the door, without saying another word.

Mikasa's heart was almost pounding out of her chest. She pulled the blanket around herself more, despite the fact that it was actually her red, blushing face that was keeping her warm.


It was peaceful.

Annie had been fighting in the war ever since she was 30 (in human years, that would be around 13 years old). War was pretty much all she knew in her teen years, so seeing such a peaceful, quiet place was rare for her. Birds chirped overhead as she travelled along the snow, the white flakes making her fur almost sparkle. Squirrels ran by, quickly climbing up the trees to escape the approaching predator.

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