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A few days later...

Hange Zoe sat alone on a flat shelf of rock, tapping her foot anxiously against the snow. She has asked her fellow soldiers to leave her alone for the time being, hoping to give her time to collect her thoughts, but so far it wasn't working. Her fingers were tapping against her leg, as she was unable to keep them still.

Think, goddammit! she growled internally at herself. There has to be a way, there has to be....

Her mind scrambled for ideas, but came up empty. She had the sudden urge to scream at the top of her lungs, but she knew it may give away her position. Instead she threw her hands up in the air and her face became very angry, but she did not let a sound escape her mouth. When she put her hands down, both her arms began to shake violently. She sighed sadly.

"This isn't normally like you....." she said quietly to herself, rubbing the side of her head, only to feel the soft bandage wrapped around her left eye, once again reminding herself that it was no longer there.

"Hanji!" a voice exclaimed from behind. The brunette turned her head, half expecting her assistant Moblit to be standing there, but of course he wasn't. It was Jean instead, one from the group to had joined up with them a couple days ago.

"What is it, Jean?" she asked, clearly tired.

"There's a large army heading this way. They appear to be Werewolves" Jean explained. "They're coming in fast."

Hearing this, Hange immediately sprung to her feet, and without a word headed towards the camp, Jean tailing behind her. She walked past her remaining soldiers, who held up theirs weapons in defence, despite some of them being badly wounded.

"Stand down, all of you" she called out to the soldiers.

"What's going on, Hange?" Captain Levi walked up to her, a bandage on his cheek and his muscles weaker than normal. "Have the reinforcements finally arrived?"

"Hopefully" she replied. "If anything those guys over there said is true-" she pointed at Marcel, Porco and Pieck, who were sitting by a fire. "-then they should be on our side."

"I'm not liking these odds" Levi grumbled.

"Neither do I. But, we have to gamble on the chance that they will be on our side."

"WEREWOLVES INCOMING!!" a soldier screamed loudly. Hange and Levi walked together to the front of the group of soldiers. The loud sound of dozens and dozens of feet hitting the ground filled the air, as it drew closer and closer. The trees began to shake, flakes of snow falling from the branches. Levi readied a hand on his blade.

Then, as if out of thin air, an army of Werewolves appeared from the forest, stopping right by the group of soldiers. It seems that the front line decided to put all the bigger soldiers in the front, because Hange and Levi were greeted to some of the largest Werewolves they've ever seen. The brunette couldn't tell how many of them they were, but it had to be at least half their clan, maybe even more. Then, a large Werewolf with light, blonde fur and blue eyes walked in front of the group. It then shifted into human form, fixing his wire glasses. Both groups didn't move a muscle, staring at each other with a dark look in their eyes.

"Are you the Sliver Corps?" the man with blonde hair and a beard asked. "Or, rather, the renegade Sliver Corps?"

"Who's asking?" Levi snarled.

The blonde man chuckled. "Oh, sorry, forgot to introduce myself; I'm Zeke, the chieftain's second in command" he addressed. "Can you bring me to whoever's in charge?"

Hangs hesitantly for a moment before finally answering. "I'm in command here. So if you want to talk, talk to me."

"Oh, I'm not the one who wants to talk. My chieftain does, that is if you're willing to."

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