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"Annie!" the black haired girl gasped, looking wide-eyed at the blonde girl in front of her. Drago huffed as he got back on his feet, the wind blown out of him from the sudden hit. He reached for his axe.

"What is the meaning of this??!!!" he yelled at the blonde. "How did you escape??!!!!"

"I have my ways" she bluffed. Her eyes never leaving the General, she went behind Mikasa and untied the ropes, discarding them away. She then quickly returned in front of her, covering her like a barrier.

"Stay behind me" Annie whispered to Mikasa, looking at her from the corner of her eye. Mikasa gasped again when she saw the state of the blonde's face. She nodded nonetheless though.

"Is protecting your handler supposed to make my heart flutter?" Drago sneered at Annie, swinging his axe near his side. "I thought I told you to stop acting human, dog. It's pathetic."

"I doubt you know what acting human is, you old geezer" Annie snarled back.

"It's useless for you to protect her" the General said. "You're weak. And once I get to her, I'll cut her into a million pieces......and have you watch."

Mikasa shuddered at the thought. She looked at Annie, and saw that her eyes began to change; her iris' turned a deeper shade of blue, and her sclera's went pitch black. The blonde growled again, this time even louder.

"Over my dead body" she snarled.

Mikasa was shocked. She had never seen a Werewolf's eyes do that before. And, despite it being Annie, a shiver of fear went down her spine.

"Go!" Annie whipped her head towards Mikasa. "The exit is clear! You can get out!!"

"Wha-" the ravenette looked, and she was in fact correct. Due to the confusion of the crowd, the entrance to the base was now completely unguarded. It was wide open for escape.

"GO!!!!" Annie roared. She then shifted into wolf form, going into a feral position right at Drago. The tall man readied his weapon.

"I'm going to enjoy this" he grinned wickedly. He rushed at Annie, his weapon ready to swing at his side. Annie snarled, baring her huge canines.

Her senses finally coming back to her, Mikasa shot to her feet and made a run towards the exit. She made one last glance at Eren and the others. They all stood dumbfounded, unable to move. They looked at her in a way she never expected from them; completely terrified, unable to believe what they were seeing. She looked ahead.

"Get her!" she heard someone yell. Suddenly, about three men blocked the exit, a weapon in each hand. Mikasa grabbed the first thing she saw, which just so happened to be a sword. One of the men swung his sword, which she easily dodged, and she sliced at his leg. Another man did the same, which resulted in a chunk of his arm being sliced away.

"Aaaaagggghhh!!!" a rather large man screamed, as he launched a massive stone hammer right at the ravenette's head. She tried to block it with her sword, which resulted in the blade being shattered into pieces.

"Shit" Mikasa muttered, throwing the broken handle away. The man threw his hammer down again, Mikasa quickly dodging. Putting her hands up, she swiftly punched him in the face, then kicked him in the stomach. The big man, who wasn't ready for such a fast attack, let out a grunt and fell to his knees, the side of his face already beginning to turn purple.

Meanwhile, Annie quickly moved away from another of Drago's attacks, his weapon slicing through the air. He yelled and swung again, the wolf once again dodging it.

"Stay still, mutt!!!" Drago screamed. Annie barked and growled.

I can't keep dodging his moves forever. I need to find an opening.

"AAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!" the General roared, as he lifted the iron axe clear above his head. That's when Annie saw the opening she was looking for.


She ran full speed at him, and pushing on her hind legs she launched right at Drago's torso once again. She sunk her teeth deep into his calf, causing the man above her to howl in pain. The taste of iron filled the white wolf's mouth, as she dug her teeth deeper and deeper into Drago's flesh. The axe dropped out of his hands again.

Biting his lip to help sooth the pain, Drago grunted and roughly grabbed Annie's thick scruff, while his other hand went under her stomach. Using his very large muscles, he lifted the wolf off the ground, despite her still being attached to his calf. Annie yelped in surprise. Drago then flipped her upside down and slammed her down hard, her back hitting the ground so hard her spine almost snapped. The General didn't even bother covering up his bleeding leg; it was as if the pain was nothing to him now.

Uhhhg, Annie groaned internally, slowing getting to her feet. She knew she wouldn't be able to fight for very long; the beating she had received from the man before her really took a toll on her strength. Her head was spinning.

"You done already, dog?!" Drago cackled, grinning like a complete lunatic. "I'm not!! I'm just getting started!!!!"


The white canine froze at the voice. She turned around and saw Mikasa standing in the frame of the entrance.

"The exit's open! Run!!!" she cried, waving her hand in the air.

She's right, Annie thought, I can't fight him the way I am now. Now's my chance.

Without a second thought, Annie turned fully around and bolted to the exit. Many soldiers tried to stop her, but she was too fast.

"COWARD!!!!!" she heard Drago roar. "DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!!!!"

A dozen soldiers then rushed to their horses, their weapons clutched in their hands. Annie ran up next to Mikasa.

Get on.

The ravenette jumped onto her back, and they immediately took off. It had begun to snow outside, the sun just beginning to peer over the mountain side.

I thought I told you to run, Mikasa heard Annie say to her.

"There's no way I'd leave to behind" she replied, her fingers curled into the wolf's white fur.

Suddenly, the sound a galloping horses filled Annie's sensitive ears. Mikasa looked behind, and gasped when she saw that almost an entire battalion of soldiers was behind them. The horse's hooves pounded against the snow like loud drums.

"Any chance you can go faster?" Mikasa asked, trying to stay as calm as possible.

Annie responded by increasing her speed, the wind whipping past them like a tornado. However, the battalion didn't let up.

"ADVANCE!!!" a soldier, who was at the head of the group, yelled. "ENGAGE THE ENEMY!!"

The battalion instantly sped up. Annie had already begun to pant, her energy slowing depleting.

Then, Mikasa saw something whiz through the air. It was too fast for her to see, but she had a feeling she knew what it was when Annie stopped for a millisecond, growling. The black haired girl saw blood on the wolf's right leg. Despite this, she shook it off and went back to running, the soldiers getting closer and closer by the second.

Meanwhile, back in the now chaotic base of the Sliver Corps, Eren and his friends all stood in shock, as they were before. They were all still trying to process all that just happened, and how it had happened so fast.

"Mikasa...." Sasha just barely whispered.

The Sliver Corps Clan's best soldier, Mikasa Ackerman, was now an enemy of the human race.

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz