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Eren made his way back to the fire, with three small chunks of wood in his arms. He grabbed each one and placed it into the flames, bright yellow-orange sparks flying into the air as the wood pieces collided with one another. He glanced over at Mikasa, who had peacefully fallen asleep. She was leant against the light blue cave wall, her breath slow and steady. Beside her was a pair of icy blue eyes, looking at him. Eren nearly jumped three feet in the air from the shock.

"God dammit!" he growled in surprise. "Don't you sleep?"

Annie looked down, her fingers fiddling with a stick she had grabbed off the ground.

"I don't require the same amount of sleep as you do" she replied simply. She placed the tip of the twig into the flames and started poking at the burning wood.

Eren looked down at her abdomen. He couldn't see her wound, since it was covered by her clothes. He also looked at her other cuts. Blood stained the bandages, but it looked like the flow finally stopped.

"Even with that injury? Shouldn't you get some sleep?" he asked.

Annie shot him a small glare. "What do you care? I don't matter to you anyway. Besides, you just want me asleep so it can be easier to guard Mikasa."

Eren gritted his teeth, trying to keep his anger somewhat in check.

"You're right. I don't care about you. It doesn't matter to me what happens to you. And I don't care if my sister trusts you; there's no way in hell I'm leaving you alone with her."

Annie wrinkled her brows. "How do you know she trusts me?"

"I heard your conversation. How Mikasa says she trusts you completely."

"That's why you took so long to get the wood" she replied. "Seems rather rude eavesdropping on other people's conversations."

"Like I said, I don't care if she trusts you. I can listen in to a prisoner's conversation whenever I feel like it."

The blonde's eyes widened. Not a lot, but a little. "So I am your prisoner?"

"To me you are. I don't know what you are to Mikasa."

Annie looked down at the small fire again. "That's her choice, isn't it?"

Eren clenched his fists.

She's a smart one alright, unlike some other Werewolf soldiers I've seen. She has a way with words......if those words were meant to piss people off, he thought.

"I hope you're not planning on staying" he replied in a rather harsh tone. "You're putting her and us in danger just by sitting there, so don't even think-"

"I'll leave."

Annie tossed the twig into the fire, the small fragment of a once large pin tree immediately beginning to burn in the flames.

"You don't have to worry about me staying. I'll be gone once this wound is better."

Eren wasn't expecting that answer to come out of her so quickly. "So, you're just okay with leaving? How does Mikasa feel about this?"

Annie raised a brow. "I thought you wanted me to leave. Now you're asking me why. Do me a favor and make up your mind, Yeager."

Eren frowned. "For some goddamn reason, Mikasa cares about you, and I don't want to see her upset just because you decide to turn tail and leave."

Annie furrowed her brows. The angry brown haired kid was right. Deep down, a part of her didn't want to leave. She always felt something when she was around Mikasa, even going back four months ago. She didn't quite know what it was yet, but it was a feeling deep down in the pit of her stomach. A feeling she couldn't ignore, even if she tried.

"Like you said, I'm putting her in danger by staying here. The best thing for her is me leaving. She's safer that way" she replied, a feeling of guilt suddenly filling her chest.

Eren calmed down a little. He unclenched his fists, letting a small sigh escape his nostrils.

"Good" he said.

He then sat down on the oposite side of the fire, his arms coiling around his knees. He felt his eyes grow dreary, as he tried his best to hold back a yawn.

"You can get some sleep, you know" Annie suggested. "I won't do anything."

"No way!" Eren exclaimed. "I won't-"

"You heard our conversation. You must've heard the tone of your sister's voice. She was being honest, at least I think she was. If she has put her faith in me, she knows I won't touch her. I know you know that too."

And try not to be so loud. You'll wake her up" she finished.

Eren cursed under his breath. The only reason Annie was pissing him off so much was because she was right. And he absolutely hated to admit that.

"One hour" he stated. "I'll sleep for one hour. Do anything to her and I kill you."

"If you say so" Annie replied.

Eren cursed under his breath, before resting his head against the wall, his green-blue eyes closing as he drifted off to sleep. His hand rested on the handle of his blade.

Annie, who was still wide awake, looked out of the entrance of the cave. It was one of the first clear nights in a while, the bright stars shining beside the crescent moon. She listened for the howls of her fellow wolves. She heard only one. Just barely, for it was far, far away.

Little did Annie and Eren know that while they were talking, Mikasa had been wide awake. She had caught them taking right when she was trying to fall asleep, and listened to the whole thing. She had heard all of Annie's words. Every last one. Before she finally managed to fall asleep, one thought lay restless in her mind.

I don't what her to leave.

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