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"Oh, suck it up dear. You're an adult now; you can handle a few scratches" a short, wrinkly-looking old lady with short, white hair and glasses sneered at Annie, as she finished stitching up the deep cuts on her shoulder.

Annie rolled her eyes playfully at the old lady. "Well, I can't help it when you stitch like a 200 year-old."

The lady gasped, hitting the blonde playfully. "When did you get such a smart mouth? If I didn't love your parents, I oughta leave you to bleed out."

"Alright, Nan, I'm sorry" she chuckled.

After the challenge ended, Annie was immediately taken over to the medical tent to get her wounds treated and cleaned. She sighed with relief and smiled when she saw Nan, an old lady who was the best medic in the whole clan, getting all her medical supplies ready for her. She was currently sitting atop a wooden table, wearing nothing but a pair of long brown pants and a bra, several patches of skin covered with bruises and scrapes. It wasn't until the fight was over that Annie realized how much her body hurt; every muscle was throbbing and aching, purple bruises forming all over the place. Luckily Nan patched up the massive wound on her stomach as soon as she got there, the left side of her stomach smothered with bandages. But her head still felt slightly woozy due to how much blood she lost.

"I know those two savages made you train all the time," Nan was rambling on, which she tended to do on a daily basis, "but I thought I wouldn't have to do this again after you left. But no, here you are, getting hurt again."

"Well, you know me, Nan. Always getting into trouble" the blonde joked, wincing right after when a sharp pain nicked her shoulder.

"Unfortunately, I do" the old lady playfully frowned, as she wrapped a bandage on her shoulder.


Annie lifted her head and smiled when she saw Mikasa enter the tent. "How is she?" the ravenette asked.

"Ah, she'll live" Nan patted the blonde's arm. She looked at Mikasa. "Just do me a favour and keep her out of trouble, dear. If I have to patch her up again I'll probably have a heart attack."

"Nan-" Annie started.

"Again?" Mikasa questioned, a small grin on her face.

"Came in here all the time as a kid, this one. Always somehow finds a way to hurt herself. And don't even get me started on her complain-"

"Nan, not now please" Annie urged, her face beginning to turn red from embarrassment. Mikasa giggled quietly.

The old lady then put all her needle, thread and bandages away, washing all the blood from her hands with a cloth and a bowl of water.

"I better go tell everyone that the new chieftain is alright" Nan said, the word chieftain rolling off her tongue. "Wouldn't was want any of them to worry."

"Thanks, Nan" Annie smiled.

For the first time, Nan gave a genuine smile back. "Anytime"she then looked over at Mikasa, the back at Annie. "Good choice there, dear. She's a cute one."

"Nan!" Annie exclaimed again, her face growing even more red than it already was. Mikasa laughed again, this time a little louder.

"Thank you" the ravenette added to the elderly lady.

"Make sure she rests" the old lady said, before she left the tent, leaving the two young girls alone.

The minute she was in the clear, Mikasa starting chuckling again, earning an embarrassed frown from her girlfriend, her face still red.

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें