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Mikasa jolted awake, her ears ringing from the sudden loud noise. She sat up from the cold floor and rubbed her eyes, so she could see properly. Once her vision returned, she looked up and saw two guards standing outside the cell door, a spear in each hand. One pulled out a large ring that held keys, and it jingled as he unlocked the door.

"What's going on?" she asked, her voice hoarse from sleep. The sun hadn't even risen yet; she could tell because of a small opening in her cell which let sunlight in. So why were they waking her up now?

The guards didn't answer right away, both giving her disgusted glares. They swung the door open.

"There's been a change of plans" one of them grumbled. "Your sentence is being held early. The soldiers are already gathered outside. Get up."

Mikasa's heart began to thump rapidly in her chest. The feeling of fear quickly returned.

"Hey, I said get up, traitor" the guard snarled.

The black haired girl suddenly felt a large impact on the side of her head. She realised that the man had punched her, sending her back to the ground. She spit out some blood.

"You should consider yourself lucky, bitch. If I had it my way, I'd slit your throat myself."

"Get her up, John" the other guard said, sounding rather bored. "The General's waiting."

The one man shoved Mikasa onto her feet. Her head was spinning from the hit, but she quickly recovered. She then felt her hands held behind her back, as a rough rope tied her wrists together. The two men pushed her forward, as they made their way out of the dungeons.

"Can I at least ask why my death is coming early?" she questioned the men, who both loomed over her.
The man who had hit her in the head spit a shot of flem at the ground.

"The Werewolves have advanced their defences, so we have to launch the attack early" he replied. "In other words, the General wants you gone as soon as possible."

Mikasa collected the info in her head. The wolves have moved in? Did they some how find out about Annie's capture? If that's true, the Corps doesn't stand a chance if they attacked.

Wait. Why am I thinking about this? she wondered to herself. It's not like it matters. I'll be dead even before that happens.

"We have a plan to get you out."

She gasped quietly. Levi said he, Hange and Erwin had an escape plan for her. Are they still doing it? Or better yet, do they know of Drago's time change for her execution?

Her thoughts were cut off when she reached the main area of the base. Almost everyone single soldier was standing there, in a large circle. And in the middle of that circle was Drago himself, a massive axe clutched in his hands.

"Bring her here" his voice boomed, sending shivers up and down Mikasa's spine. The guards pushed her forward again. As she walked towards the middle of the circle, the eyes of her comrades shot right at her. Some were looking at her with hatred, others with sadness, while some of fear on their faces; the fear that this would happen to them if the stepped out of line.
Mikasa then caught a glimpse of her friends. They were standing near the front, standing close to one another, like penguins huddling together during a snow storm. Eren had a look of anger mixed with fear; mostly because he had no choice but to stand and do nothing. Jean looked away, shame in his face. Mikasa had discovered what he had done, yet she wasn't angry at him. She just wondered why. Sasha had her face buried in Connie's shoulder. The ravenette could hear her quiet sobs, as Connie held her close to him. Armin wasn't there; in fact, he was no where in sight.

Probably can't bear to watch an axe go through my head, she thought grimly. She held her tied hands together to stop trembling. It didn't work.

Once they reached the middle, the guards shoved Mikasa down on her knees, just a couple inches away from Drago's feet. She looked up at the General, who looked like a massive giant from the ground. He looked down at her.

"We are gathered here to witness the trial of Mikasa Ackerman, who has committed a vile act of treason against her own people. And as you know, the punishment for treason is death."

He traced the blade of the axe with his pointer finger. Mikasa tried to looked as strong willed as she always does in front of her fellow soldiers, but her fear was beginning to show through.

"Now, Mikasa Ackerman, do you have any last words?" Drago asked.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. She looked at the man right in his eyes, his deformed one piercing into her soul.

"They aren't all monsters."

Those words bounced off every single wall in the large cave. Drago made a confused look.


"The Werewolves. They aren't all monsters. They aren't all the horrible, murderous creatures we make them out to be. One saved my life, and that one is locked in a cage at this moment. Maybe if we can take the time to understand them, reason with them, then maybe-"

She was stopped when she felt another impact against her face. This one was different than the last; it was sharper, and much faster. Drago had pulled out a dagger and slashed it across her face, leaving a small yet deep cut on her cheek, just below her eye. She let out a yelp, droplets of blood now on the floor.

"MIKASA!" Eren yelled. He was about to run but was stopped by two men standing behind him.

"Silence now" Drago commanded, his voice dripping with pure hatred. "I won't let my men's ears be filled with this nonsense."

"Pay no attention to this girl" he yelled to the crowd. "Her mind has been clouded by Werewolf lies. The trickery of that dog has consumed her."

"It's not a lie" Mikasa gasped, looking up at him. A stream of red flowed from the small cut like a waterfall.
Drago sqwated down to her level. His axe lay beside him.

"If that's true, then why is our infirmary completely filled with wounded?"

Mikasa said nothing.

"If Werewolves aren't the monsters we say they are, why have they killed so many of us? Why have they enslaved an entire nation? And why did they even declare war in the first place? Answer me that."

Mikasa looked away.

"ANSWER ME!!!" Drago roared. Mikasa flinched, and suddenly she couldn't speak. Her fear had finally broken through.

"I....don't know."


Drago huffed. "That's what I thought."

He stood up, bringing his axe with him. He tightly gripped the handle in both hands, and held it above his head.

Help wasn't coming. Mikasa knew that now. She didn't think Levi knew about this, since he nor Erwin or Hange were standing in the crowd. It was too late.

Shaking with fear, she closed her eyes and lowered her head, and the steel axe came falling down towards her skull.

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