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It was cold.

Mikasa has felt this coldness before. The day her parents were murdered before her very eyes. It felt as if all the happiness and joy which filled her soul was stripped away, and was replaced with sadness and fear.

She lay on the ground, the snow covering her like a brisk blanket of death. Her body felt as if a thousand knives were stabbing her all at once. She heard low growling all around her. She glanced upward and saw dozens of Werewolves around her. Their fur was all black, their eyes bright red. Thick blood coated their muzzles, the remains of human flesh dangling from their massive canine teeth.

"You killed my friend" one of them growled. Then, the voices of all those wolves filled Mikasa's head. It made her head ache.

"You killed my mother."

"You killed my father."

"You killed my mate."

"You killed my pup."

"And you will suffer the consequences, Ackerman." they all said simultaneously. The group of Werewolves moved closer to the vulnerable girl.

"Help me..." Mikasa whispered. She tired to move, do something. But it seemed the ground was holding her down like some massive magnet. "S-Somebody.....please..."

"No one can save you, bitch" one of the pitch black wolves snarled. "Now, hold still as I rip you to pieces."

Mikasa snapped her eyes shut, waiting for the wolves to drive at her all at once. Waiting for them to sink their teeth into her flesh as they tore her apart.

She waited for the blow.

But it never came.

Suddenly, she heard a yelp. The sound dogs normally make when they're in pain. She heard it again. And again. And again. Using what strength she had left, the black haired girl looked up again and saw several Werewolf bodies lying on the ground. They all had the same massive gash on their necks, the fresh, warm blood beginning to stain the white snow. Mikasa saw that there was only one black dog left, and across from it stood......a white one. Its blue eyes shined, as it stared aggressively at the other canine.

"A-Annie?" Mikasa croaked.

The white wolf didn't look at her; it continued to stare at the black wolf across from it.

Suddenly, the black Werewolf switched directions, and came bolting towards Mikasa. The ravenette closed her eyes, but not before hearing a sharp, familiar voice.


The black haired girl shot up from her slumber. She began panting heavily, her eyes as wide as dinner plates.


A hand touched her shoulder blade. She looked up and saw Sasha Braus hovering over her, her amber colored eyes grazing down at her with concern.

"Sasha....?" Mikasa asked.

"Hey, are you okay? You were thrashing around in your sleep. Did you...have that dream again?" Sasha wondered.

Mikasa said nothing, just nodded. She rubbed her forehead with the back of her hand. This dream has haunted her sleep for over a week now. For no rythme or reason, it kept on happening. But whenever it did, she awoke feeling tired and....cold. Almost all her friends knew about the dream, since all of them have had to wake her up from it.

"Mikasa?" Sasha's kind voice interrupted her thoughts.


"Who's Annie?"

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now